sishida Translations

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Almost 8 years ago Male 30s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sishida English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Our shipping rates are based on MyUS TruePrice shipping rates which means we provide you with an accurate shipping estimate upfront. With MyUS TruePrice we estimate your rates based on
Your Membership Type (Premium and Premium + Mail Members receive
You can gather this information and estimate your shipping costs on our online shipping calculator. MyUS TruePrice shipping rates apply to shipments under 108 linear dimensions in inches (length+width+height). Shipments over this threshold are considered “oversized” and dimensional weight will apply. If the package you want to ship is over 108 linear dimensions in inches, please provide us with the weight and dimensions and we will provide an accurate estimate for you


わたくしどもの送料はMyUS TruePrice送料に基づいています。つまりは、先行して正確な送料の見積もりを提供しております。MyUS TruePriceは会員様の種類(Premium、Premium + Mail会員)に基づいて送料の見積もりを致します。会員様はわたくしどものonline shipping calculatorで詳細と送料のご確認が可能です。MyUS TruePriceは直線寸法108インチ(奥行+横幅+縦幅の総和)未満の発送に対して適用となります。この制限を超えるものは"容積超過"と見なし、容積重量が適用されます。もし、発送物が線寸法108インチを超えるようでしたら、正確な寸法と重量の情報をご提示ください。正確なお見積もりを致します。