Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

I hope you are well.
Thanks for your new order, before I proceed I need to clarify about coating. Recently Max2 has upgraded coating to a new packaging and new brushes, I’m sending here with attached image for your reference.

Type-A Coating comes with Mascara brush
Type-B coating comes with Lip brush

please check which type you prefer.

Thank you for your information on the Tweezer, I would love to try the tweezer in both high and regular quality, I need to find a suitable tweezers for our market.

As for the glue you provide, the Korea Glue is more suitable for the technique we do here, can you give me price fro this? Thanks!

With Best Regards
Willy Chen



タイプAコーティング マスカラブラシ付き
タイプBコーティング リップブラシ付き



ご提供していただく糊については、Korea Glueが当地の技術により適していると思います。価格を教えていただけますか?よろしくおねがいします!


shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

Please be advised that a FedEx call tag was issued for order#WS1420746. FedEx will come with the label. Simply have the item securely wrapped and ready for the driver to come by and retrieve it. FedEx will make a total of three attempts from tomorrow and will leave a notice if they were unable to successfully pick up the package. We strongly advise against leaving the package outside unattended, and we cannot be held responsible if the package is stolen or lost.

For your reference, the call tag tracking is 1Z383642267. This number becomes active once the item is picked up. You may also use this number to track the shipping progress back to the warehouse.


オーダー番号WS1420746に対し、フェデックスのCall Tagが発行されました。フェデックスはそのラベルを持って貴方を訪問します。商品をきちんと梱包し、ドライバーのピックアップに備えてください。ドライバーは明日から3回ピックアップを試み、荷物をピックアップできなかった場合は、通知を残します。その際、荷物を外に放置しないよう忠告させていただきます。荷物の盗難紛失に対しては責任を負いかねます。

ご参考までに、call tagの追跡番号は1Z383642267です。この番号は、荷物がピックアップされ次第、有効となります。さらに、この番号を使用して、倉庫までの返送状況をご確認いただくことも可能です。

shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

I am sorry to bother you again, but my family’s lawyer found a big problem with Miwa’s will. There is a law in my state that requires ALL living direct relatives to give permission for cremation. Because of this law, Aunt Miwa cannot be cremated and buried until both Fさん and Hさん sign a paper saying they give permission for her wishes to be followed. I will attach the form document. It must also be signed by a notary (公証人). Just 判子 cannot be used because it is not considered a signature in USA. It must be signed in both kanji and romaji. If a 判子 is required by notary then it can be used with a hand written name, just not alone.



shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

For example with my mom’s name it would be (ケネディー恋 Koi Kennedy) and then she could stamp next to it. Both Fさん and Hさん need to each have their own form.
I apologize for this troublesome request, but this needs to be done as soon as possible. The form is only a few lines. The state government created a simple version for us to use because they consider us a special situation. The document is in English, but I tried to translate it to the best of my ability. If either of them cannot be contacted to sign it, I have to show proof that there was an attempt to contact them. In that case can you simply send me an email saying the date and that they could not be contacted.


例えば、私の母の名前であれば(ケネディー恋 Koi Kennedy)と記し、その横に判子を押すことができます。FさんHさん各人が、自身の書類を用意する必要があります。

shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

Habana model it´s exhausted , I can send you the catalogue with the models that we have
Prices include shipping and start at 1590 USD.

All can have Drink & Wet as an extra feature for 290 USD more.

We also have our model Kyoto awake/asleep a 1590 USD,Miami awake 1670 USD, Yala awake/asleep 1990 USD Sydney a 2130 USD, Sibay awake/asleep a 2197 USD, Vic(mini) 104 USD (plus shipment ) ,Sirena mini 155 USD (plus shipment ) and Sydna-vi 2540 USD .

To order you just need to tell me which model you want and all the specifications (boy/girl, skin color, hair color and type of hair, type of eyebrows). Then I will give you your order number (IMPORTANT: make reference to order number when making payments).




Kyotoモデルawake/asleep (目を覚ましている/眠っている)バージョン 1590ドル 
Miamiモデル awake(目を覚ましている)バージョン 1670ドル
Yalaモデル awake/asleep (目を覚ましている/眠っている)バージョン 1990ドル
Sydneyモデル 2130ドル
Sibayモデル awake/asleep (目を覚ましている/眠っている)バージョン 2197ドル
Sirena mini モデル 155ドル(送料別)
Sydna-viモデル 2540ドル



shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

However we may not be able to help you get this product reinstated.

We would write you a bespoke appeal letter and plan of action. This appeal letter would be with you no later than 24 hours after receipt of payment.

We charge a fixed fee of £400 for the bespoke appeal letter and plan of action. This includes
1. A well thought out and proven Amazon appeal letter
2. A well and proven written plan of action
3. A set of instructions on what settings to change on your account
4. Any further emails to Amazon which is usually 3-5.
5. Online support via email and live chat
6. Over 18 years of experience, knowledge and expertise in helping Amazon sellers accounts get reinstated




懇願書および実行計画書は固定価格 £400 です。これには以下が含まれます。
1 熟考され定評のあるアマゾンへの懇願書
2 定評のある精巧な実行計画書
3 貴方のアカウント設定の変更指示一式
4 アマゾンへのメール-通常3~5通
5 メールおよびライブチャットによるオンラインサポート
6 アマゾンセラーのアカウント復元に対する、18年以上の経験、知識およびノウハウ

shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

No problem, you can always take as much time as you need to decide, I am in no hurry! I understand.

Unfortunately, we just don't get a very good deal on *** parts. I would say our price is middle range compared to other dealers. I will try to speak further with my supplier and see if he can get us a better deal since we are buying so many of them. Maybe I will be able to reduce the price a little more for you. Thank you again, and I will let you know if a smaller price is possible.


Kindly provide me with the item numbers and the quantities required to fulfill your order. I can check if how many units we have available for fulfillment and offer a special discount for you. I look forward to your response.





shimauma English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I apologize for the delay in getting the pricing for you. It took my supplier a long time to get back to me, but I have everything done for you. They told me that I can have any part that ***** carries within 3 days. So I should be able to get everything that you sent me.

For shipping, I am not sure how much it will be honestly. I will not know for sure until we get the parts ordered and I can box them up. Then I can get exact weight and dimensions to get a price for shipping. We have never really shipped these parts before, so it's hard to estimate the amount. Sorry I can't really give you a price for shipping right now.


