It doesn't look however that pulling the protective film off the print will damage it. I can't see clearly (send more pix if you would like), but it looks like any adhesive is on the very edge of the outside, unprinted border, so it should be good. The print did have a small fold in one of the corners, as shown in the original photos, but I don't think that's what you are talking about.I would be happy to take a hundred dollars off the price as compensation for the concern this has caused you, so let me know and I can instruct paypal to return the $100 immediately.
thanks for getting back to me. I'm really glad you are not disappointed in the print itself, and I'm sure we can work this out. The pictures were helpful. I think the tape you are referring to is the adhesive on the edges of the art storage envelope around the packaging of the print. I was very, very careful for obvious reasons that no tape, no adhesive touched any part of the print, including the outside border, which is why i wrapped it in the foam. It may have shifted in shipping?
1)The seller canceled this order due to the following reason: I'm out of stock or the item is damaged.They sent a refund to your original payment method.2)I am very sorry but I will have to give you a refund on this record,as I can not get to my shop to take the stock out as I cannot leave the house sorry I hope you will understand .yours Steve
1)売主が本オーダーを以下の理由によりキャンセルしました:在庫切れ、または商品の不良お支払い頂いた際の方法にて返金します。2)誠に申し訳ありませんが、自宅から出られず店舗へ在庫を取りに行かれません為、このレコードの返金をさせて頂きたく存じます。申し訳ありませんが、ご理解の程宜しくお願い致します。ではまた Steve