rico Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
rico English → Japanese
Original Text

Everyone knows you can’t have a business without customers. However, one of the worst mistakes any business can make is focusing its marketing efforts on attracting new clients while neglecting past and current customers. Studies have shown that the cost of acquiring a new customer is far greater than what it costs to generate business from an existing client.
Thanking your clients for their business can also set you apart from your competitors, increase loyalty, boost sales and even build relationships that last a lifetime. Effective marketing depends on repeat exposure and showing appreciation is an affordable and effective way to build your company’s presence.



rico English → Japanese
Original Text

According to a study by Pearl Research, game operators in China put up stunning revenue growth in 2010. The online games market grew 25% to $5 billion, and it is forecasted that in 2014 it will exceed $8 billion.

The research firm outlines in its 150-page paper that Tencent led the market with $1.4 billion in revenue, followed by Netease with $749 million, Shanda Games with $680 million, Perfect World with $374 million, and then Changyou with $327 million.

This rapid growth spurt puts China ahead of the U.S game industry which fell to 22% according to The People’s Daily citing Digi-Capital. That dramatic headline read “Game over for US: China to take lead in video games.”


Pearl Researchの調査で、中国のゲームオペレーターは2010年に収益を大幅に上げたことがわかった。オンラインゲームの市場は25%伸びて50億ドルになり、2014年には80億ドルを超えると言われてる。

調査会社は、150ページにも及ぶ資料でTencentが収益14億ドルで市場を先導し、次いでNeteaseが7.49億ドル、Shanda Gamesが6.80億ドル、Perfect Worldが3.74億ドル、そしてChangyouが3.27億ドルであることをまとめた。

この急速な成長により、中国はアメリカのゲーム産業を抜いた。Digi-Capitalを引用したThe People’s Dailyによるとアメリカの収益が22%下がったとのことである。その見出しは「アメリカ、ゲームオーバー。中国がビデオゲームの先駆者に」である。