密碼作為我們帳戶的一層防護,理當要好好守護它。在討論「密碼」的時候,我們大多談輪該用什麼樣的密碼才安全 — — 混合數字、英文大小寫字母,不要單用電話號碼等太容易被取得的個人資料⋯⋯等等。大家費盡心思守護自己的密碼,而⋯⋯我們輸入密碼的那些網站,是怎麼保護我們的密碼的呢? 在網頁上輸入帳號、密碼,按下送出,這組帳密被送到另一端的電腦上,對照資料庫中儲存的帳號,驗證密碼是否相符,相符則成功登入。⋯⋯有沒有覺得哪裡怪怪的?
Passwords, as a level of security for our accounts, it goes without saying that we should safeguard it properly.When discussing "passwords", we often talk about what kind of passwords are safe - alphanumeric, mixture of uppercase and lowercase characters, not to use easily obtained personal information such as telephone numbers... etc. Each and everyone of us takes great care to protect our passwords. So... For those websites which we key our passwords on, how do they protect our passwords?Keying in account numbers and passwords on a webpage, then clicking "submit", and the set of codes get transferred to another computer to match with the records in their database. If the match is successful, the account gets logged in..... Does anyone feel anything amiss somewhere?
港都,不再只是港都. 視野,看見與被看見. 創新,責任與守護. 活力,不變的熱情. 來自100個城市1000多位精英, 在此共創亞太城市新格局. 高雄經驗,驚艷世界. 高雄亞太前進新力量. 亞太城市高峰會kaohsiun.
The Harbor, is no longer just a harbor.Vision, seen and be seen.Innovation, responsibility and guardian.Energy, unchanging passion.Over a thousand elites from a hundred cities,coming together to reshape the structure of the Asia-Pacific city.Kaohsiung experience, taking the breath of the world away.Asia-Pacific City Summit Conference, Kaohsiung.