I. Henzie (purlwise) Translations

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Over 5 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
Publishing/Press Release Science Arts
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
purlwise English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Two of my colleagues readied their batons and riot shields in case the deserter happened to be in…when suddenly the deserter charged out the main door armed with an iron in one hand and a stone carving in the other.
Now he didn’t just hold the items in each of his hands, he was swinging both his arms in vertical circles…and charging towards the bunch of military police out to arrest him. Picture a desperate man with crazy eyes holding two heavy objects and swinging his arms charging towards a whole lot of MPs.

It was pretty sudden and before they knew anything, he hit the riot shields two MPs were carrying and basically knocked them both down like bowling pins.



purlwise English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

His name is Daniel Saffron.

Around 8–9 years ago, Daniel’s grandfather passed away and left him and his father each an inheritance of $250,000.

With that money, he could’ve had for himself a stable life. Pay for his future children’s college tuition, buy a house, a car, invest, put it in a trust fund, reserve for medical debts he may bump into in the broken American healthcare system, etc.

Instead, his father Alan Saffron,

who unfortunately had control of the funds, transferred all of Daniel’s inheritance into his own account and used it to open his restaurant, Burger Kitchen.

The worst part is that Daniel was absolutely oblivious of the theft until the investment for the restaurant has already been made.


彼の名前はDaniel Saffronと言います。
しかし残念ながら、彼の父親Alan Saffronはその財源を管理しDanielの遺産全てをBurger Kitchenというレストランのオープンに使ってしまいました。

purlwise English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

A lot of folks think the goal is to keep end-users out. That’s absolutely not the case. When Apple moved to the “pentalobe” screw, you could buy pentalobe screwdrivers on Amazon for a couple of bucks only months later.

I’ve been a computer user since 1977 and I’ve used Apple computers since 1979. (I still have an Apple //c in my collection.)

I’m typing this on a 2012 MacBook Pro that has been extensively modified—I removed the DVD drive, added an SSD, added more RAM, and so on. I do a lot of work on Apple computers—sitting to my right is an aluminum MacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo) that I just had to replace the right fan on when the fan bearings failed.My aluminum MacBook Pro has a problem. It’s missing several screws.


私は1977年からコンピューターを使用していて、1979年かAppleコンピューターを使っています。(まだApple //cをコレクションで所持)

現在この文章をタイプしている2012 MacBook Proは、大規模に改良されています。DVDドライブを取り外し、SSDを追加、さらにRAMも追加したりなど。私はAppleで沢山の仕事をします。その右側にあるのは、アルミニウム製のMacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo
aluminum) で、送風機が作動しなくなったのを正しいものに取り替えたものです。私のaluminum MacBook Prは問題があります。いくつかネジがなくなっているのです。o

purlwise English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

It’s missing those screws because I stripped them trying to get them out.

The funky Pentalobe screws are tiny, tiny, tiny little buggers, and here’s the thing: If you make slot-head or Phillips-head screws that small, you strip them instantly the moment you try to remove them. I guarantee, as sure as night follows day, if you replace an Apple pentalobe screw with a standard screw and you try to take it out, you’re going to strip it, every time.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to extract a stripped screw that’s a millimeter in diameter?

Yes, the Pentalobe screws require a special screwdriver. But the beauty of those little guys is, they’re all but impossible to strip.



purlwise English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

What dark secret do you wish people knew about Africa?
I’ve lived in Africa for over 40 years. There’s one dark secret about Africa that I wish more people knew about.

Ignorance about Africa is causing wilderness areas to be lost. Tourism and conservation is at risk of being replaced by mining and logging and development.

Last month, a safari camp in Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania had to announce its impending closure because a logging company was given the right to strip the area of its natural forest, to make way for a dam and hydropower plant.[1]

Why is this allowed to happen?

Because tourism doesn’t pay the bills. As a tourism and conservation destination, the reserve doesn’t generate much revenue.



先月、タンザニアのSelous Game 保護地区のサファリキャンプが差し迫った閉鎖を発表しました。伐採企業がダムや水力発電所の場所を作るために、自然林エリア取り除く許可を得てしまったのです。

purlwise English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

There was an employee meeting a number of years ago and Steve Jobs was talking.

He said that one of the fundamental motivations was that when you make something with love and with care, even though you probably will never meet . .  the people that you're making it for, and you'll never shake their hand, by making something with care, you are expressing your gratitude to humanity, to the species.

With that, it wasn't opportunism .we saw we could use technology to be extraordinarily useful in relation to our health and wellbeing.This area is one that I've been fascinated by, as is specifically addressed by wearable technology.”

You're not dragging people through the victories or otherwise that you've been working on




