pinkgirl3 (pinkgirl3) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
United States
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
pinkgirl3 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

There is an area on the back of the neck that has serious finish issues. I don't know if it was over buffed or what but parts seem to be raw wood with filler and stain but no finish.
For a Rosewood guitar there is a marked lack of acoustic bass response and little treble. The tone is flat, no sparkle, nothing above average.
The electric sound however is very good indeed. Straight into a mixing board this system works well. Amplified the Expression system is simple to use and very versatile.
Traded up to my 914CE in 07,it seemed expensive but has exceeded any expectations i've had. I would'nt trade it for any
other guitar in the world. It did'nt take long to realize it is worth every hard earned penny I paid for it.


しかし、実際のところ、電気を通してみると、音は非常によくなります。ミキシングボードにそのまま使っても良いほど、このシステムはうまく働いています。アンプに繋いだExpression system は使い方も簡単で、多目的に利用できます。

pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

I have been a fan of Taylor guitars for a number of years. In taking the 814ce for a test drive, my love for Taylor is now not just in its amazing playability. It is now shared with the tonal balance and amazing electronics, known as the Taylor Expression System.
The 814ce has a well-pronounced low end, sweet mids, and a clear, responsive upper frequency range. I was so amazed by this guitar's ability to fill the room in such a powerful and beautiful way. The beauty this instrument displays externally is well matched in its audible quality. Putting this instrument down grew more difficult the longer I played.


Taylorギターのファンになってもうしばらく経ちます。814ceを実験台としてみましたが、Taylorギターへの愛情は、今では、ギターの持つその驚くべき演奏に対する可能性だけではなくなりました。わたしのギターへの愛情は、現在では、音色のバランスとすばらしい電気制御機能がともにすばらしさを引き立て合っている、Taylor Expression Systemとして知られるシステムにも注がれています。
814ce は、はっきりとした低音域、やわらかな中音域、冴えた反応の良い高音の域を持ってます。わたしは力強く、また美しく、その音色を響かせるこのギターのもつ力にあっと驚かされました。

pinkgirl3 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I have owned the cedar topped, non-cutaway version of this guitar for about 4 years now, and it still sounds great. The acoustic sound is warm, but still has some sparkle, and I think the neck is great. There is good separation between notes, and can ring out when pick strummed, or mellow out when fingered. A versatile, not to mention beautiful but not gaudy guitar. I have heard some guitars with a little more sound depth in this class of guitar though, but I still recommend this guitar if you are looking for something that can do everything pretty well.
This guitar has a beautiful, deep rich tone and plays like a dream. There's no going back once you play it.



pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

I have to be careful strumming it hard. The characteristic Maple brightness warms up after a year or two, much like Koa will when played. This guitar does everything I need it to, period. The original Expression System took one knock too many, and the factory replaced it (free) but I chose to upgrade to the new 9v battery system. It can be played in every style, from hard strumming to the most delicate finger picking. Unplugged, it's balance is perfect. Plugged-in, the same, just louder.To me it's the perfect guitar. Taylor does magic with every tone wood they use, but for my two cents, they just hit Maple out of the park. Just one amazing instrument. Can't recommend it more highly.


オリジナルのExpression System はノックが多すぎるので、製造元での(無償の)交換をしましたが、新品の 9v battery systemへアップグレードすることにしました。

pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

I have been playing for over 50 years. I have owned/played about everything out there. This is the guitar I just can't put down. It has the tone and playability I was looking for. I must say, it definitely likes Nanowweb strings. I have tried several brands of strings and keep coming back to the Nanowebs. The guitar is superb for both solo fingerstyle and vocal accompaniment. It is bright but in a good way. The Expression System is what it is - very good but less than perfect. The ES "works" perfectly. It is great in a band setting - not so much for solo work. I actually prefer the older Fishman Prefix system for solo stuff. Over all I couldn't be happier. By the way - this guitar is absolutely beautiful!


このギターはNanowwebの弦を好むと言っておかなくていけません。何度となく他のブランドの弦を試しましたが、Nanowweb へ戻ってしまいました。
Expression System については、なんと言っていいのか、非常にいいシステムですが、完璧には至っていません。Expression System は問題なく作動しますけど、このシステムはバンドでの演奏には最高です、ソロでの演奏にはどうかな、といった感じです。
個人的には昔のFishman Prefix system の方がソロに向いていて好みです。

pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

I always recommend the 5 to guitarists who are heavy into fingerstyle and singer-songwriter material.The combination of the mahogany body and the cedar top produce a nice tone especially suitable for this style of playing.It's great for both live performance and recording studio applications.
While every guitar T makes is world class,and outstanding,I must say the 5 is one of my favorites of them all.It has an incredible warm tone to it,and it's just a beauty to play.The mahogany back is very nice to look at, and every one that plays this guitar of mine,talks about how much they like it.While the 7 is my favorite in the whole line, due to the dark wood and gorgeous look, the 5 is definitely as beautiful to play.



pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

Please understand that we are willing to issue a refund (less original shipping costs = $139.75) provided the DualSaws are returned as they were sent, intact and unopened. Also, please be aware that we are low in stock of these popular items. Our supplier is currently on backorder with the manufacturer and we do not know when we will receive our next shipment. We are also anticipate a possible 5%-10% increase in the cost of these DualSaws with future shipments. You can see that the cost on Amazon and eBay has already risen.
Please advise as to how you plan to proceed. If you choose to return these DualSaws, I will issue a return authorization number for your use.



pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

This guitar is amazing. Everything about it; looks, playability, and the SOUND! Honestly this guitar might be the best bang for your buck right now. The sound is more on the bright side, but if you want a warmer and deep tone when you plug in, just turn down the treble a tad and turn up the bass. This guitar is great for all styles and I don't see a need to upgrade later in the future because this thing truly delivers everything I want and need.
This guitar makes beautiful music, the sound is crisp and clear! It is well made and the wood grain is gorgeous. Well satisfied!!!



pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks for your mail. Here are the answers:

- What's the largest size that your "Hammock Stand" is available in?: It’s our Barco: 400 cm (length) x 160 cm(Height) x 145 cm (base width)

- What's the largest size that your Stand for Hammock with Spreader Bars Océano is available in? Only one size: 475 cm x 110 cm x 118 cm

- Could you please advise shipping costs for hammock stands made from materials apart from wood (pipe hammock stand). An approximate figure would suffice.

For Mediterráneo MES12-1 (20kg): 85€
For Océano NSM20-1 (27 kg): 197€

The shipping price is for one piece. If you take more we would have to send it by carrier. In that case I would get a quotation from the carrier.

Kind regards,



 ー「ハンモック スタンド」のうち一番大きなサイズはどれですか?
Barcoがそれになります。400 cm (長さ) x 160 cm(高さ) x 145 cm (底の幅) です。

 - スプレッダーバーOcéano付きハンモック用のスタンドで一番大きなサイズはどれですか?
サイズは475 cm x 110 cm x 118 cmとなり、このサイズのみです。

 - 木製ではないハンモックスタンド(パイプ製のもの)の送料を教えてください。
Mediterráneo MES12-1 (20kg) は 85€
Océano NSM20-1 (27 kg) は197€



pinkgirl3 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Hi Masaki,
I have bigger boxes that fit up to 3 sets each/ Fully insured through Fedex would be $43. Since it is inside the US however, i think you could skip insurance altogether because let's face it, it's Fedex, not the post office. With a declared value of $1 (insurance=declared value), the cost is $38.50/box of 3.

The only catch is I don't have enough to ship at once, so if you wanted a big quantity, I would need about 1 week to buy more before I can send them to you (i can buy at the lego store, but max 2/day).

