pinkgirl3 (pinkgirl3) Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
United States
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

The town-planning ideals of ABC have provided it with a powerful social instrument with which it can present, both in plans and in action, this next essential phase of our modern development:
The reign of harmony! I n other words people and things must be joined together in mutual sympathy: the intercourse of man with man, man with work, and man with nature - in the understanding development of the widespread resources of the universe. At the moment life in a village is dominated by small individual undertakings - shops and so on - but there is clearly a tendency towards a more cooperative life. The plan for the Core must give opportunities for this freer life to find expression when it is ready.



pinkgirl3 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Take the automated phone call
Go back to the page where you received the message. You'll usually get this message from the Sell Your Item form, sign in or the Revise Your Item form.Select "Phone (recommended-faster)."Select the phone number you'd like to take the automated call from.
Note: If you'd like to provide a different phone number to take the automated call from, you'll be required to select a secret question and provide an answer.Click "Call me right now"

Resolved issue by receiving an automated email
To resolve this issue:
Go back to the page where you received the message. You'll usually get this message from the Sell Your Item form or the Revise Your Item form.Select "Send my PIN" from the Email section.


メッセージを受け取ったページへ戻ります。通常このメッセージはSell Your Item フォームから送られてくるので、サインインするか、Your Item フォームの改正を行ってください。「電話(他の方法より早いことから、こちらを推奨します)」を選択します。その後、自動音声の電話を受け取る際の電話番号」を選択します。

メッセージを受け取ったページへ戻ります。通常このメッセージはSell Your Itemフォームから送られてくるか、あるいはRevise Your Item フォームから送られてきます。「Eメールのセクションより暗証番号を送信」を選択してください。

pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

The technician said the stell won't be easy to break,he said you could fix it and don't worry about break it.
In fact,this is the first time for this machine to be damaged in the transit.We sold many of them out,only this time you told me the machine
damaged,which made us a little surprise.
If the steel is broken when you forcely fix it,we will send you the replacement to replace.
And to be honest,this machine is not easy to damage or occur problem.As far as i know,you are the only one who need to repair this machine so far
So how about i give you discount for a new one?



pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

I have been completing my collection these last few weeks and I am down to my last few. I have done very well with that rule. I love this card...but it is way over my head for the price. So, yes, one $140.00 total is as high as I will to go $120.00 was what I was aiming for honestly. Luckily this is the one world championship card I am looking for, but for the life of me, I can't really find the card anywhere that is not sold out or a price for it. So maybe it is price accordingly, if so, I am soooo screw on buying this card. So I probably with have to take this one of the list.

Maybe someone else can afford your asking price and I wish you luck. However if you change you mind, just an email away




pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

I apologize for the communication. Our business is picking up rapidly, but unfortunately, that has caused us to be very busy and our response can be delayed due to that. It is also taking longer to get orders shipped because our volume is getting bigger. We have already hired someone new for shipping and are also looking to hire someone else to lighten our load in the office. Hopefully, we will have someone new soon and I can concentrate better on Dealer accounts.

Unfortunately, we have run out of stock of the Sony Battery Plate Adapters. May we replace the Sony Plate in your order with
a Canon Plate and include a Canon equivalent Battery and Charger at no extra cost this time?



残念なことに、Sony Battery Plate Adaptersは在庫を切らしています。ご注文分のSony Plate をCanon の同等 Battery と Charger 込みのCanon Plate へ変更することはできませんか?今回は上乗せ料金なしでご提供します。

pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

①I understand your concern regarding the notification email sent by the performance team asking you to limit your selling to only one seller account.

Thank you for complying with our policies of having one seller account. If you want to delete your seller account, then we request you to write to us from the respected account with the email B and C and confirm to us if you want to close your account.

You can discontinue selling on the D website at any time. To do so, you'll just need to take a few simple actions on your account.

1. Close your active listings.
2. Downgrade your selling plan to individual.

We will go ahead and delete your accounts.







pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

‘The puppet show, this simplification of expression and of method, is excellent. So many of the refinements which our society has created are tinsel compared to the powers of expression that could appear ... when events are ready. ‘Those of you who are aware of spontaneity, please imagine the fine parade that I am going to set before you. We do not have such spectacles yet, but they will come! These could be the performers. One would start with the minister, then the councillors, then the Civil Servants. Behold those who are irritable and those who are not; those who are happy in their home life and those who are miserable; those with the stomach ache and those with a smile for everyone.



pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

‘I experienced this same speed of movement, this same intensity, on a journey to Buenos Aires in a French boat. After lunch the nurses and children used to watch the ship's Punch and Judy Show. I was the only adult to join them. I enjoyed myself enormously, not only through observing the pleasure of the children but on my own account, and I said to myself -when one of the characters was being soundly thrashed with Punch's stick on back and sides -“How often in one's life one would dearly love to do just that to certain people! This way of expressing one's opinion by beating with a stick (I was in a quarrel with many things at the time) is not such a bad idea . . ."


フランス製のボートを駆ってのブエノスアイレスへの旅で、わたしは同様の移動スピードとその激しさを経験した。昼食後、世話人と子供たちは船上でのPunch とJudy のショーを見るのがお決まりだった。彼らにまじって観劇する大の大人はわたしだけであった。わたし自身大いに楽しんだ、子供たちの喜ぶ姿を見ていたから楽しめたのではなく、わたし自身のために楽しんでいたのだ。登場人物の一人がPunchのもつ棒で背中や脇をたたかれている時、わたしは「人生の中でどれだけ人々に知らしめるためだけに自分の好きなことをできるだろうか。棒でたたいて自分の意思を表現するののもまんざら悪い方法ではないようだ。(そのときのわたしは、いろいろな事柄で口論をしていた。)」とつぶやいていた。

pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

Taylor's T 5 guitar lives up to its claims! I own a Fender Telcaster B bender and a Gibson ES 335... and I am able to cover a variety of guitar tones. However, Taylor's T 5 does introduce new guitar sounds, due to its inovative active pick-up system. Visit their website and listen for yourself. I own a Koa T5 love the grain of the wood. I needed to find a guitar where I could play acoustic and electric tones off the same guitar. The T5 thinline does that and more. The acoustic position #1, sound like a concert size acoustic, mix in some bass and it sounds fuller. This guitar has the ability to shred as well... I play mine thru a Vox Tonelab SE, and it represents all of the amp/cabs offerred.


テイラーのT5ギターは評判なだけはあります!わたしは Fender Telcaster B bender とGibson ES 335を所有しているので、どんなギターの音もカバーできています。でも、テイラーの T 5は開発されたアクティブpick-up システムによって新しいギターサウンドをもたらしています。ウェブサイトでその音をきいてみてください。Koa T5 も持っていますが、その木目が気に入っています。アコースティックでの演奏と電気を使っての演奏とを一本でまかなえるギターが必要だったのです。T5 thinline はそれが出来るうえに、それ以上のことまでできます。acoustic position #1ではコンサートサイズのアコースティックサウンドが可能だし、ベースを加えれば、豊かなサウンドが可能です。早弾きにも適しています。Vox Tonelab SEを使って演奏していますが、アンプやキャブが出来ることと同様の結果を得ています。

pinkgirl3 English → Japanese
Original Text

Taylor offers excellent customer support and their website is very informative. Pick-ups positions 2 thru 5 are good: the middle humbucker can sound like a tele, but add bass and you will get the Gibson humbucker sound. It won't replace your existing guitar, but I can't imagine not owning one. I lead worship at my church and needed a guitar that would allow me to cover a wide variety of music: blues, rock, country and R & B.. this guitar does it all and more!
I am loving this guitar!!!... changed to acoustic strings.... Tight and well many sound combinations straight from the pickups... Sharp well made good looking case...Swings from rich acoustic to tasty electric....easy to play..Comfortable neck


テイラーのカスタマーサービスはすばらしいし、ウェブサイトも情報満載です。 Pick-ups positions の2 から 5はいいですね。middle humbucker はteleのような音になりますけど、ベースを加えればGibson humbucker の音になります。いま持っているギターを違うものに変えるわけではないけれど、これを所有してないことは想像できないほどです。教会での音楽を担当しているので、ブルース、ロック、カントリー、R&Bといった幅広いジャンルに適したギターが必要だったのです。このギターはそれを叶えてくれるものでした!