oier9 (oier9) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Taking Social Translation to Europe: Conyac at ICT Spring in Luxembourg

Conyac team has just returned from Luxembourg, where we attended the ICT Spring Conference. At the 2-day event we learned about the latest ICT technologies and solutions, listened to inspiring keynotes, met many potential partners and introduced Conyac to the European market.

Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office in Tokyo invited us to attend the conference along with 9 other Japanese startups. Our Japanese group was warmly welcomed by members of the Luxembourg Consulate in Tokyo, Japanese Embassy in Luxembourg, government officials, financial experts and local business leaders.


ソーシャル翻訳をヨーロッパへ ~ルクセンブルグで開催されたICT SpringにConyacが出席

Conyacチームはちょうどルクセンブルクから戻ってきた。私達はICT Spring Conferenceに出席した。この2日間のイベントで、最新のICT技術やソリューションについて学び、刺激に富んだ基調講演に耳を傾け、可能性を秘めた多くのパートナーに出会い、コニャックを欧州市場に向けて紹介した。


oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

In the recent years, Luxembourg is driving extensive programs promoting their country to the foreign businesses and organization, encouraging international collaboration and supporting innovative projects. Successful steel, finance and high technology industry, strategic position in the heart of Europe, low tax rates and high quality of life make the tiny country one of the greatest places to work. It also boasts an ultra-modern data center park with low latency connections to major European Internet hubs. Luxembourg has a lot to offer to any organization that is ready to expand their business in Europe. And we witnessed their enthusiasm at ICT Spring.


近年、ルクセンブルクは自らを外国の企業や団体に売り込み、国際協力を奨励し、革新的なプロジェクトを支援するといった、大規模なプログラムを推進している。栄えている鉄鋼、金融、ハイテク産業、ヨーロッパの中心にある要衝という立ち位置、低い税率と豊かな生活水準――こうした要素によって、この小国は働くには絶好の場所となっている。また、欧州の主要インターネットハブへの低遅延接続が可能な、超近代的データセンター団地を持つ。ルクセンブルクは、ヨーロッパでの事業拡大の準備を進める団体に対し、多くのものを提供してくれる。そして私達は、ICT Springの会場で彼らの熱意を目撃した。

oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I have problem with my Luminox bought from you. It just stopped working. Seems like second hand gets stuck somehow, I’m not sure. I changed battery on after few hours stopped again. Chrono is working properly but clock not. If I give it a tap on the glass sometimes starts to run but soon gets stuck again. Any suggestions?

Thanks for replying. In your opinion is DL 103R much better then DL 103 ?
What is your best price for DL103 including shipping?

About the service fee, I am thinking $10 for a single parcel which does not require consolidation and $15 for multiple parcels need consolidation.
Please let me know your thoughts.





oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Universities: Aside from government incentive, Israel also has some of the best universities in the world that focus on technology, such as the Technion in Haifa. The universities are, in a sense, a playground for entrepreneurs to meet others with similar interests who may later go into business together.

Government Resources: The Israeli government encourages young entrepreneurs to take the risk of beginning a startup company by providing early-stage funding. The government also goes to great lengths to provide support to young entrepreneurs by introducing companies to investors, creating partnerships and programs that can provide support for young companies.


大学:政府のインセンティブはさておき、イスラエルは科学技術に特化した世界最高レベルの大学(例えばHaifa のTechnion)をいくつか有している。この大学は、ある意味で、将来一緒に起業するかもしれない、同じような興味を持った人と出会う、起業家のための遊び場といえる。


oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

From the Manufacturer
Sound the alarm. The Joker, The Penguin, Poison Ivy and Scarecrow have escaped from Arkham Asylum with the help of Dr. Harleen Quinzel. These villains are about to wreak havoc in the streets of Gotham City. Help caped crusaders BatmanTM and Robin swoop into action and put those good-for-nothing criminals back where they belong. Chase after the security van as it breaks through the gothic gates. Then throw each villain back behind bars in 8 highly detailed rooms. Includes 8 minifigures: Batman, Robin, The Joker, The Penguin, Poison Ivy, Dr. Harleen Quinzel, Scarecrow and a guard, all with assorted weapons or accessories.

