Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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About 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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Speaking with Freelancer about its Biggest Investment Ever, Indonesia [Interview]

Recently launced its Indonesian version at The company now provides Indonesian language support, a local customer service team, a concierge team, and local currency support. Freelancer is targeting 100,000 users in the country by the end of this year, and 400,000 by next year. For now, Indonesian users still just comprise 1.5 percent of the four million users worldwide. The primary reason for this has been the lack of Indonesian language support – but that’s now available.




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

What do you think are the most promising jobs that freelancers could do here in Indonesia?

Willix: I would imagine it is website building, sem, e-commerce. I believe that there are definitely a lot of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) here, as I said that 99.9 percent of all firms established in 2009 to 2010 are SMEs and most of them probably don’t know how to make a website.

Most industries are already digitized. If they haven’t, they will be digitized. Building websites, getting traffic for your website, and all of these jobs will be coming to Indonesia. That’s what we expect.





nobula English → Japanese
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So it’s not about cheap labor?

Willix: Well, cheap is relative, right? In the US, building a website with $200 is cheap. But for us Indonesians, $200 is huge and you can finish the job in 3 days. So you can essentially earn up to $2,000 easily a month which is a really good money. It’s a really different thing.

How about illegal jobs in the site?

Willix: We’re making sure that the jobs posted are legal. We keep tracking them. We have 3,000 to 4,000 jobs posted a day. You can see how hard it is for us to sort every single project. But we try. For, I’ve mentioned to my engineers to remove the ‘triple x’ projects. We are looking at it very extensively now. It’s a continuous process.






nobula English → Japanese
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On this special occasion, manager Lai Zhiming pointed out five specific moves that will be taken soon by Tenpay: 1. Get available to more Tencent’s core services; 2. Deepen partnership with Weixin; 3. Dig in the payment market; 4. Expand overseas O2O payment; 5. Connect with QQ Caibei’s platform.

The second one easily caught our eyes, for Weixin is such a popular star these days that everyone would like to take a share with it. This month, Tencent leader Pony Ma posted on his Weibo that Weixin users had already surpassed 200million. Actually the great thing about partnering with Weixin is more than its huge user base, the open platform and multifunction of Weixin can create incredible opportunities for Tenpay.


この特別な機会に、マネージャーのLai Zhiming氏はTenpayが近日中に取る明確な5つの動きを提示した。1.Tencentの主要サービスにより対応する。2.Weixinとの提携を深める。3.決済市場に専念する。4.O2O(オフライン・ツー・オフライン)決済の海外進出。5. QQ Caibeiのプラットフォームへの接続。

Weixinは最近はかなりの人気スターで誰もがその恩恵に授かりたいと思っているから、2番目の項目はたやすく私達の目を引いた。今月、Tencentの首脳Pony Ma氏が自身のWeiboの投稿で、Weixinユーザーはすでに2億人を超えたことを明らかにした。実際、Weixinとの提携のすばらしい点は、その巨大なユーザーベースよりも、Weixinのオープンプラットフォームと多機能性がTenpayに限りない機会を作り上げてくれることである。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

According to Lai, Tenpay will first combine itself with some basic functions of Weixin including “Shake-It”(Adding friends by shaking the phones at the same time), “QR Code Scanning”(Originally used for adding friends on Weixin) and “Wei Life”(Discount platform for life services). He introduced that after the collaboration, users could transfer to friends by “Shake-It” instead of inputting the long account number digit by digit. Also, purchasing and payment could be much easier through the “QR Code Scanning”, and the same thing could also be realized on Tencent’s “Wei Life” platform where various merchants discounts are offered.


Lai氏によれば、Tenpayはまず、「Shake-It」(携帯を振ることで同時に友達を追加する)や「QRコードスキャン」(元はWeixinに友達を追加するために使用された)、「Wei Life」(生活サービス用ディスカウントプラットフォーム)を含むWeixinの基本機能を取り入れる予定である。その協力の結果、ユーザーは数字で長い口座番号を入力する代わりに「Shake-It」で友達に送金ができるようになるはずだと、Lai氏は説明した。また、「QRコードスキャン」を使えば購入と支払いはさらに簡単になり、多様な商品ディスカウントが提供されるTencentの「Wei Life」プラットフォームでも同じことが言えるだろう。