Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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About 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Or, they will soon be able to nominate a senior they know (such as a parent or family member) and pay for a mobile plan on their behalf. Silverline receives a small cut of monthly subscription revenue to sustain its operations.

4. If a senior citizen is nominated, a refurbished smartphone by Silverline will be provided on the spot. The mobile plan fee for the senior citizen will be added to the customer’s existing monthly mobile bills.

According to Daryl Arnold, CEO of Newton Circus, the company decided to use smartphones in this initiative because they are a blank canvas. It is easy to create apps and experiences optimized for seniors on a smartphone.


3. または、近いうちに、知り合いの高齢者(両親や家族)を指定し、彼らの代わりにモバイルプランを支払うことができるようになる。Silverlineは、この事業を持続するため毎月の登録収益から利益を少し得る。

4. 高齢者が指定されたら、Silverlineによって工場再生されたスマートフォンが提供される。該当高齢者に対するモバイルプランの料金は、顧客の現存する月額モバイル使用料に追加されることになる。

Newton CircusのCEO、Daryl Arnold氏によれば、この構想で同社がスマートフォンを利用しようと思ったのは、まっさらな状態だからである。スマートフォンをで高齢者向けに最適化されたアプリと経験を作り出すことは簡単である。

nobula English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

FailCon: Nobody cares about your startup, and that’s a good thing, says Cheezburger’s Ben Huh

Ben Huh is responsible for much of the world’s lulz. As the founder of The Cheezburger Network, he is on a mission to make the world happy for five minutes a day. He also has a serious side: Through his new venture Circa, which just launched an app today, he wants to change the world of journalism.

But before he started a profitable business that posts cat photos online, Ben had gone through a dark phase in his life. When he failed at his first startup in 2001 and fell USD40,000 into debt, he became depressed.


FailCon: 誰もあなたのスタートアップに注意を向けない、そしてそれは良いことだ、とCheezburgerのBen Huh氏は言う

世界の笑いの多くはBen Huh氏のおかげである。The Cheezburger Networkの創設者として、彼は一日に5分、世界を幸せにする任務についている。彼には真面目な一面もある。今日アプリの提供を開始したばかりの彼の新しいベンチャー、Circaを通じ、ジャーナリズム界を変えることを願っている。


nobula English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

“I couldn’t leave my house, I couldn’t leave my bedroom. I just couldn’t face the world,” he said at the keynote speech of the first-ever FailCon in Singapore. The burden of losing hundreds of thousands in investor’s money was too much for him to take.

It even left him suicidal. “Death was a good option — and it got better by the day,” he wrote in a blog post describing how he eventually climbed out of the hole.

Struggling with the emotional turmoil of failure was not pleasant for Ben Huh, but it was a valuable experience. It enabled him to stand on stage to share about his life with a dose of humor — thankfully.





nobula English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

He observes how we are amnesic about the little failures — like new year resolutions for example — yet we make too much of a big deal out of our failed ventures.

“Argh, I shut that website down, I’m a failure,” he said.

“That’s bullshit. No one labels you a failure except you.”

Entrepreneurs tend to put themselves at the center of the universe when they fail, thinking that everyone will know about it and castigate them for it. Ben finds this mindset bizarre. Just like how a startup’s success isn’t necessarily a concern of everyone, failure isn’t exactly the first word that comes to everybody’s minds when one walks into a room.






nobula English → Japanese
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The app claims to be a one-stop solution for comparing hotel rates worldwide as it has more than two million hotel deals across more than 120,000 destinations. Rizka Maydita, the market manager for Indonesia at HotelsCombined, explains:

We are internationally focused and doing our very best to continue providing new ways to help our diverse customer base to find what they’re looking for.

HotelsCombined and ‘I Find Hotels’ now support 26 languages, which includes other Asian languages such as Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, and Arabic. For more information, you can check out the free application for iOS here; or it’s also available for Android under the name ‘Hotels Combined’ here.


12万以上の目的地の200万件以上のホテルを取り扱う、世界のホテル宿泊費用を比較する一括ソリューションであるということだ。HotelsCombinedでインドネシア担当市場マネージャーのRizka Maydita氏は次のように述べている。


HotelsCombinedと「I Find Hotels」は現在26か国語に対応しており、そこには日本語、韓国語、北京語、アラビア語などの他のアジア言語も含まれている。さらに詳しい事は、ここでiOS版無料アプリをチェックするか、「Hotels Combined」という名前のAndroid版もここで入手可能である。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

A Reader App From China Thinks It Knows What You Want to Read

One of China’s most innovative reading apps, Wumii Reader has just upgraded its Android app to version 2.0. In contrast to many other apps that demand you add in lots of subscriptions or preferred sites – which can be quite laborious – Wumii Reader instead uses its own clever algorithm to offer up what it thinks you might want to read.

One new feature that takes advantage of that is the “shake to read” that causes the Wumii app to freshen up your suggested list of relevant articles. Also new in this v2.0 beta is a reading network where you can follow and interact with other Wumii Reader users – and read some of their articles too.



中国の最も革新的なリーダーアプリの1つ、Wumii ReaderはそのAndroidアプリをバージョン2.0にアップグレードしたところである。他の多くのアプリは、多くの購読登録や好みのサイトを追加するように要求し、結構面倒だったりするのだが、Wumii Readerの場合は、独自の優れたアルゴリズムを利用してユーザーが読みたいものを予測して提供するのである。

その手法の利用した新しい機能が、「シェイクして読もう」であり、Wumiiアプリがユーザーに適当な記事のお勧めリストをリフレッシュしてくれる。また、この2.0ベータ版で新しい点は、他のWumii Readerユーザーをフォローし交流できる読書ネットワークである。他のユーザーの書いた記事をいくつか読むこともできる。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

But don’t get too caught up in the savings, or you’ll expose yourself to a world of risk. What companies gain in convenience and extra cash can be lost in poor control and flimsy policy. The unknown elements that can happen with a BYOD policy have led critics to call it “Bring Your Own Disaster,” and it’s easy to see how even the best intentions can lead to a serious security breach or aggravating compatibility problems.

Thinking of switching to BYOD? Here are four things to keep in mind when crafting and enforcing your policy. It’s important to note that the preferences and cultures of each company are different, so use your own needs as a guideline to developing a BYOD system that works for you.




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Facebook was never optimized for social gaming

The viral invite mechanic on which this model of social gaming works fails because of two reasons:

1. Not every user on Facebook is genuinely interested in playing or trying a social game. That’s not the primary use case of the network, since Facebook is first a publishing platform and then a marketing platform. Good content goes viral on the platform because it adds value to the users, who are largely out there looking for good content. Facebook is optimized for good content, not for game invites.




1. Facebookの全ユーザーがソーシャルゲームをプレイしたり試そうと思っているわけではない。それは、このネットワークの主な利用法ではないからだ。Facebookはまずパブリッシングプラットフォームであり、次に、マーケティングプラットフォームである。すばらしいコンテンツはプラットフォーム上でバイラルとして広まる。なぜなら、すばらしいコンテンツを求めている数多くのユーザーに価値を与えるからだ。Facebookはすばらしいコンテンツに最適化されているのであって、ゲームの招待に最適化されているわけではない。