noa (noak) Translations

ID Unverified
About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English French Italian
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
noak English → Japanese
Original Text

I am still very interested in purchasing your other Ichiro 1993 Takara at the price of $200 we agreed on. This last week was Thanks Giving and I had family in town visiting from Portland, Dallas and Tokyo. I needed up having to spend more than I had originally anticipated. Would it be acceptable if I had you the $200 for the Ichiro 1993 Takara no later than December 20th? More than likely I will pay for that 1993 Takara Ichiro for $200 before the December 20th. Would that be acceptable to you? If not I understand but I would love to purchase your other 1993 Takara Ichiro for $200. Please let me know either way if that works for you and I hope that you can work with me on this one.


私たちが同意した200ドルであなたのもう一つのIchiro 1993 Takaraを購入したいと思っています。
先週は感謝祭でポートランド、ダラス、東京から家族が来ていました。もともと思っていたよりも時間が費やされてしまいました。遅くとも12月20日にIchiro 1993 Takaraの200ドルをお渡しするというのでも大丈夫でしょうか?12月20日までには1993 Takara Ichiroの200ドルはお支払できるとは思います。それでも大丈夫でしょうか。無理だとしても理解いたしますが、私は本当にあなたの1993 Takara Ichiroを200ドルで購入できたらと思っています。どちらにしても連絡をお願いします。こちらの商品は私と取引していただけることを願っています。

noak English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you so much for that and i appreciate that. I already subscribed your Youtube channel.

Here in germany we have a lot of people they have that hobby with the RC Cars. Y'all don`t have that?

Do you have more pictures of your car or would it be possible for you to make more pictures of the cage and send me those in a email. I really would appreciate that!

2 Sets of 〇〇 is no problem! I will let you know when shipped.
Yes would love to meet you next year, Jim told me that he knows you.
Jim and my partner are neighbors also, It’s a small world!

Don’t worry, I never discuss business relationships with anyone regarding
projects. Except only with our OEM manufacturer. It’s always confidential.







noak English → Japanese
Original Text

On Monday , workers carefully lowered the cask into the spent fuel pool. They then used a crane to extract the first fuel assembly from racks inside the pool and transferred the assembly into the cask. By Tuesday, engineers will transfer 21 more fuel assemblies into the cask before they lift it out of the water and onto a trailer.

Naomi Hirose, the president of Tepco, called the start of the work at the No. 4 unit a milestone in a cleanup and decommissioning process that is expected to take decades. Tepco hopes to finish removing fuel from the No. 4 reactor pool by the end of next year.

“The extraction process represents the beginning of a new and important chapter in our work,” Mr. Hirose said in a statement.



