Navara Imp (navara_imp)

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以下の11の言葉は、兵庫県こころのケアセンターが発行する『サイコロジカル・ファーストエイド 実施の手引き 第2版』内の、家族や親しい友人を亡くした被災者を支えるときに「言ってはいけないこと」から一部を引用させていただきました。このように、相手を思いやる気持ちから生まれた言葉も、当事者を傷つけてしまう恐れがあるのです。

■ 家族や親しい人を亡くした被災者にかけるべきではない言葉





Translated text

What is Survivor's guilt ? The words the victims need

User's Request Text
What is survivor's guilt ?.The guilt or the suffering after surviving an earthquake or an accident.

It is said that, a moment can make a difference in surviving an earthquake. (omit)
When a person feels guilty for getting his life saved from an earthquake or an accident , it is called "survivor's guilt". In the survivors of the 1995 Great Hanshin earthquake and the 2011
Tōhoku earthquake a lot of them seemed to have this guilt and it became a problem to be noted.

Words can backfire. The words to be cautioned of
While listening to a person with a great suffering like "survivor's guilt", we search for "the smart words". But caring for them may backfire and end up hurting them.

The 11 words below are from "Psychological First Aid. Field Operations Guide 2nd Edition" issued by Hyogo Institute for Traumatic Stress ,these are a few words taken from "the words not to be said" while supporting the victims who lost their family or close friends. These words born out of care for the victim could harm that person.

*The words not to be said to a victim who lost their family or a close person
This was sure for the best .
It was easier on him.
This should have been her lifetime
At least ,he didn't had the time to suffer
You have to do your best to overcome this.
You have enough strength to face this.
I did as much as I could.
It's good you survived.
It's good no one else died.
It could have been much worse .You still have your siblings and mother.
Something which you can't endure never happens.

The thoughts of an individual in grave sorrow differs from person to person and can only be understood by that individual. That person can get hurt by words and may close their heart if the people around them try to cheer them up by giving their simple opinions and advices. So it is necessary to have a great concern while speaking with an earthquake survivor.

It is important to "hear" than looking to "say words "
When you try to get close with victim's suffering it is important to try not to "say words" but to "hear" what they say. (omit)

The agony of a victim is something so deep that only they can understand. If the person asking thinks like "Shouldn't I make the victim feel better" or "Shouldn't I save the victim "
they cannot get close to the victim's feelings. Lets try to get close to the victim by addressing them with something genuine like "I think I may not even be able to imagine your suffering
in spite of that if you are fine with me, may I get close to your feelings" which is positive, receptive and empathetic in form. With this the victim may consider "it might be okay if I talk with this person".

Of course, when the victim specifically asks for support it is necessary to "say words" like the ones which give information and advice. But in case of supporting the "mind" I think the "attitude" of seriously listening to the victim before speaking is important. By all means for the people who want to get close to the hearts of the victims of the earthquake and for the people who want to make the victims feel good I advice you to consider "listening closely".