They felt confident with the power that they wielded, they felt a sense of identity certainty, and they were not overly concerned with growing older. Finally, generativity was positively correlated with life satisfaction and with positive personality characteristics. The more authoritarian women, by contrast, seemed somewhat stagnated. They did not wield power confidently, and they did not feel particularly generative in their early 60s. Furthermore, satisfaction with life was uncorrelated with authoritarianism. These findings for the feeling items and life satisfaction were hypothesized. However, unexpected findings emerged between authoritarianism and conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.
Generativity at midlife should also relate to a sense of confident power; generative individuals are comfortable marshaling resources to direct family and civic affairs in benevolent ways. The scale that assesses concerns with generativity will provide evidence of convergent validity; it should be positively and highly correlated with the age 52 generativity measure used in the current study. Finally, age 52 generativity should be negatively related to age 62 concerns with aging. At the beginning of old age, generative individuals should have manageable regrets and feel satisfied that they have lived life well.