今日と4日前にメールを受信しました。審査完了には、更に追加の情報が必要なのですか?もし必要な場合、追加情報の提出というのは、○○の△△の欄に入力をすることでOKですか?しかし、現在 Seller Account Informationの各項目が、編集が出来なくなっているのでとても困っています。編集できるようにしてもらえますか?それから、追加情報を入力する際、パスポートの情報を求められますか?もしそれを 取得していない場合、それに変わる証明書は何ですか?
I received your males today and four days ago. Do I need to submit any other information to complete the inspection? If so, is it enough that I fill out only the △△ column? Also, now I'm in a trouble because I cannot edit my Seller Account Information.Could you please make it available for me to edit it?I have another question. When I imput the imformation, am I going to be asked to imput my passport number?If I don't have a passport, what can I subsutitute for it?
Thank you for contacting us. The reason you want to return the product is you have 67 camera, and you purcesed a lens that is for 645 type.In this case you just purcesed different mount products, so you do not need to pay the shipping charge for returen. When we receive the product, we will refund the money for the lens after we deduct the shipping charge. from the price.Thank you
Why is the unity between store and internet required? Fujimoto explains the issue that today's clothing industory faces. The cloth retailing industory such as Uniclo produce new commodities each seasons and sell large amount of them. Then, inevitably they are required to sale them cheap. On the other hand, when customers go to Uniclo close to them, sometimes they cannot find one that suit to their size, or colors that they want. That is to say, customers cannot get things that they want when they want to. That is today's clothing industory. Therefore, it is required to unite inventory management between store and internet-sales, and establish a structure that improve its efficiency.