mooomin Translations

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mooomin English → Japanese
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mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

WeChat has been developing APIs for building sophisticated features for public accounts. Thus those accounts are able to offer services from online banking to booking hotels. But most businesses don’t know how to develop software and some even don’t know how to manage a public account on the most popular mobile social platform in China.

Weixinhai (literally means WeChat Sea in Chinese) helps businesses build presence on WeChat. Not only does it manage or promote WeChat official accounts for them, it also develops features for their accounts, such as setting up a storefront with payments supported by WeChat Payment.



Weixinhai(中国語での文字通りの意味はWechat Seaである)は、WeChat上で企業が存在感を持つべく手助けをする。彼らのためにWechat公式アカウントを管理や推進を行うばかりでなく、Wechat決済でサポートされた決済システムを持つ店頭ページの設定など、彼らのアカウントのために必要な機能の開発も行ってくれる。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

The First WeChat Experience Store Opened by Chinese Discount Store Chain Shopin

Shopin was one of the first bricks-and-mortar discount store chains in China when its first store was opened in 2000. Recently it opened the very first WeChat experience store in Hangzhou, China that enable customers to purchase goods in the store with WeChat app.

After subscribing to Shopin’s WeChat account, users can make purchases with WeChat Payment on site. You also can save items into the shopping cart and decide later whether you’d like to have them delivered to a certain place or pick them up at the store — of course you can pay for them with WeChat Payment anytime after you leave the store.





mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, the real winner here is King. In markets where messaging apps have high penetration rates among consumers, the companies that own these apps are in a unique position to push their own games onto their users. It’s no surprise that three out of the top ten highest grossing games in Taiwan’s App Store right now are affiliated with Line, and eight out of the top ten highest grossing games in South Korea are affiliated with Kakao. In China, WeChat has already gotten millions of Chinese addicted it’s popular Tian Tian casual game series. As a result, WeChat ought to be the perfect platform for King to export its special brand of sugar high.


もちろん、ここでの真の勝者はKingである。メッセージアプリの消費者への浸透率が高い市場では、これらのアプリを所有する企業は、ユーザーに自社のゲームを推進できるという、独特なポジションにいる。現在の台湾のアプリストアにおけるゲームの売り上げトップ10位中、3個がLineにてアフィリエイトされており、韓国でのゲーム売上げトップ10位のうち8個がkakaoでアフィリエイトされているのは、なんら驚くことではない。中国では、WeChatが既に何百万もの中国人を、同社の人気高いTian Tianカジュアルゲームシリーズの虜にしている。結果として、WeChatはKingにとって、同社の興奮すべき特別なブランドを輸出するのにうってつけのプラットフォームであったはずだ。