saori (mokamoka_ca) Translations

ID Verified
Over 12 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mokamoka_ca English → Japanese
Original Text

・Dear sigeharu ○○

name...(mail №...) has issued a refund for 4.59 GBP of your original payment.

See Refund Details below for more information.

Message from merchant: Part Postage refund as items will be sent together International Signed for.

・* Refund Amount: ○ GBP
* Refund Transaction ID: ○

PayPal accepts payments from buyers on behalf of sellers. Sellers agree that once PayPal accepts payments from buyers, buyers are discharged from any further liability for the amount of the payments.


・Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.



,,,,(メール番号,,,)からお客様のお支払いから4.59 GBPの返金をいたしました。

返金額 00GBP
明細番号ID: 0




mokamoka_ca English → Japanese
Original Text

But sorry that we're not able to accept returns beside the function question, but consider you're our old customers and X sells very hot, here we have some suggestion.

1. As you may know that the return fee will be high and takes long time, would you pls help to sell it at lower price, the difference we will refund to you or we can replace some other goods you needed to you, thanks.

2. We'll refund to you after we got and checked the goods if you prefer to return the goods, thanks.

Sorry again for such trouble to you friend, we'll responsible for it, but consider it will add both of our cost, so we suggest to make agreement for each other for this issue, if our suggestion is not OK for you? Any ideas?



1. ご存知の通り返品手数料はとても高く時間もかかります。もしお客様が小売価格よりも安くお売りになられた場合、商品の差額を当社から返金させていただく、もしくは違う商品と引き換えさせて頂く。

