6 Tips for Writing Your Own Copy in 2015Blogging About Writing It’s easy to write content for your blog or website, but that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to do it well. Sure, anyone can sit down and pound out a blog post on how to unclog a drain or the dos and don’ts of making pastry dough, but the ability to simply do something is never any guarantee of quality.
Stay On Topic.One of the first things any English major will learn is to be concise. High school teachers seem to love flowery, extravagant language, but most people prefer it if you get straight to the point. Make your point clearly – it leaves less room for interpretation and argument, and clearly sends the message you want to send.Choose one topic for each webpage or blog post. If you’re writing an article on how to choose the right floor color, don’t digress and talk about how to choose matching draperies. Save that topic for another post – that way, you end up with more content, and it’s usually better quality.