Mami S (mechamami) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
technology Music Law Medical Science Culture fashion IT Arts Comics Literature Manuals Patents Tax
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mechamami Japanese → English ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text



Before the 1900s, energy consumption of urban areas was only about 40% of the rural districts. One of the reason was that the capacity of the fuel wood supply from the rural areas was restricted due to the underdeveloped transportation. Another reason was that the heating equipment, the small Hettsui stove or charcoal stove was mainly used since the urban houses were very narrow. When it comes to the second half of the 1900s, after the Russo-Japanese War, the transportation network developed and it increased power usage. The income level also rose, so the energy consumption in urban areas significantly increased. However, from the late 1920s, the economy dropped and the power grid expansion stopped, so the consumption was slightly decreased.

mechamami English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I have quite a lot of experience working with Japanese natural stones. I have purchased few from various reputable vendors over last few year. And I learnt honing quite a lot in last years.Yellow stone which I purchased from you is a beautiful one and I hoped it will work great. I read carefully information about the stone and studied photographs to make sure it matches my need. The stone has been rated by you as “A very clean and beautiful grinding surface, so no problem for sharpening.” When I started using this stone, unfortunately I encountered one problem. The stone must contain scattered, small particles which are very hard.



mechamami English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

While rubbing the stone (with good quality tomonagura) to get turbid water on it (slurry), some of these particles also are released to water.
When honing, they scratch the blade. I made several tries (cleaning stone, rubbing the stone again with tomonagura) but it did not help. So the stone itself is very beautiful and is very fine for honing but because of scratchy particles, it is not good enough for razor or kamisori. Maybe it is good for tools or knives.If it would be just one or two places which scratch the blade, it would not be a big problem, because bad spots can be repaired (spots with hard particles can be removed).

