matilda Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
matilda English → Japanese
Original Text

he has received complaints for every single one of our factories season after season about the small units they have to separate specifically for you. They always, without fail, complain about it. These continuous complains put a strain on our relationships with each factory. We are already a small brand in their eyes, so convincing them to do this extra work for little payoff is trouble in itself. We are talking about a small discrepancy that we strongly believe you should accept in the spirit of our relationship together. Please accept these units as is so we can proceed with payment for the Fall 10 season. I want to conclude all Fall 10 bulk payments before moving onto Spring 11 sample payments.


彼はシーズンの度にあなたのために特別に分けなくてはならない小さいユニット(ひとまとまり)について、我々の全工場への苦情を受けています。彼らはいつもきまってそれについて苦情を言います。これらの継続的な苦情は、我々と各工場との関係に緊張関係をもたらします。我々はすでに彼らにとっては小さなブランドであるので、ほとんど利益にならないこの特別な仕事を頼み、やってもらうこと事態、問題なのです。我々の関係のためにも、あなたはその相違を受け入れるべきだと我々は強く思っています。このユニットを受けとり、Fall 10シーズンの支払いを進められるようにしてください。Spring 11のサンプルの支払いに移る前に、Fall 10のばらの支払いを全て終えたいのです。

matilda English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.5
Original Text

It's a way of speaking that involves more than just talking with your mouth the way we're doing right it's ideal for an expressive art form.

Her art form evolved to the point that it was expressed through pure sign language, with no spoken English. Many of her pieces involved protest against the discrimination faced by deaf people trying to live and work in a world dominated by the hearing.

But of course, there was a kind of political point inherent to her that just by demonstrating the range and richness of expression that you could achieve through sign language, she was showing that hearing people frequently underestimate deaf peoples' abilities.





matilda English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Outerwear continues to be a driving category for the menswear, this season highlighted by a classic belted trench, a waxed field jacket, and a revisit to the varsity jacket from last season, this time lightened up with striped ribbing, perforated leather sleeves, and a cotton body. These items are paired with floral print woven shirt, denim dyed a fresh shade of blue, and pleated gauzy wool trousers.The dualities that SATO examines for Spring/Summer 2011 continue to speak to the current and essential wardrobe of the brand’s consistent and functional aesthetic.



matilda English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

A noticeable amount of playfulness is infused into the collection through the
color palette. Subtle and delicate neutrals like creamy beige and military
green are highlighted by blush rose, coral, chartreuse, and shades of blue.
Prints are seen throughout the collection , with the focus on a floral that
blossoms in washed pink roses on a black background to achieve a painterly
effect . Stripes are also seen in different dimensions , alternating between
blurry watercolor stripes to a v
ariety of graphic stripes displayed in opposing
directions . The prints and colors further showcase the SATO desire to
experiment with conflicting themes , a balance of
rigid lines with organic floral shapes.



matilda English → Japanese
Original Text

The contrast between contemporary and classic is again exemplified by SATO
for Spring/Summer 2011. For this season, designers SATO decided to
reexamine the true definitions of “classic” and “modern ”. As inspiration , the
duo studied Greek and Roman architecture and art , comparing it to early 20th
century modernism. The result is a collection full of interchangeable dresses
and separates in an assortment of inspired prints and patterns , and colors
that pop with energy for the spring season.
Staples in SATO wardrobe are reinterpreted in a manner that demonstrates
how structure and fluidity can coexist by balancing organic shapes with
straight lines.



matilda English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Samsung may make sets run by Google’s software to compete with Sony and Apple in the market for TVs that access movies, shows and games online.
“We will have to see, but we are reviewing” whether to use Google’s Android, Yoon Boo Keun, head of Samsung’s TV business, told reporters today on the sidelines of a forum in Seoul. A key question is whether South Korean movie, TV and music providers will cooperate with Google, he said.
Google is taking on Apple partly by developing Android as an operating system that will work with Google TV, which is being developed with Sony and Intel Corp. Mountain View, California-based Google originally developed Android as an OS for phones that can surf the Internet.


Googleのアンドロイドを使うかどうかは、「我々はよく考えなくてはならないが、再検討しているところだ」とSamsungのTVビジネスの社長のYoon Boo Keunは本日ソウル市内のフォーラムのサイドラインで報道陣に語った。鍵となる問題は、韓国の映画、テレビ、音楽のプロバイダーがGoogleと協力するかどうかだと彼は言った。
GoogleはGoogle TVに機能するオペレーティングシステムとしてのアンドロイドの開発によりAppleと一部協力しており、それはSonyとIntel Corpと共に開発が進められている。カリフォルニアのマウンテンヴューを拠点としたGoogleはもともとアンドロイドをインターネット閲覧の可能な電話のためのOSとして開発していた。

matilda English → Japanese ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text

Samsung’s lead position as a TV maker may come under threat as viewers seek models that allow them to buy third-party video games and programs that do anything from forecasting the weather to measuring the string tension of a tennis racket. Apple fueled its expansion into music players and phones by developing the iTunes software that made it easier to buy and organize songs, TV shows and games and is expanding the model to television.

“Android’s share in the smartphone market is increasing, so if you want to strengthen your product line-up, it’s an operating system that you would normally want,” said Jin Sung Hae, a Seoul-based analyst at Hyundai Securities Co.



「スマートフォン市場でのアンドロイドのシェアは増加しており、製品のラインアップを強化したいならば、通常求めるものはオペレーティングシステムだろう」とHyundai Securities Co.のソウルのアナリストであるJin Sung Haeは言う。

matilda English → Japanese
Original Text

National Down Syndrome Society joins forces with Prudential
The Prudential will provide members of the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) support in the area of financial literacy as a result of an agreement the two organizations announced today.
“We’re excited to work with Prudential to help people with Down Syndrome and their families learn more about planning for their future financial needs,” said Jon. “Both organizations have a vested interest in increasing awareness in this area as well as creating additional resources and opportunities for our members.”
Through the agreement, Prudential will host informational webinars and participate in local NDSS chapter activities including Buddy Walks.


この協定を通じて、Prudentialは情報提供のウェブセミナーを主催し、Buddy Walksを含む地域のNDSSの集会活動に参加していきます。

matilda English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Once three of my sales managers came in and said to their new successor (after I had left an off ce), “Why don’t you like us?” Obviously, this surprised the successor and he asked them to explain. They said, “Every morning, our previous boss would come out of his office and personally greet every person who walked into the office. He would walk around the office with a cup of
coffee and ask how our day was going and what issues/challenges needed to be addressed. You don’t do that —is it because you don’t like us?” It’s amazing that even the small things, such as personally greeting all your staff
and expressing interest in their daily activities, really means something to people.



matilda English → Japanese
Original Text

Some experts argue that the mergers are also being prompted by divestments AIG was forced into after its bailout, particularly AIG's sale of ALICO to MET.
"What you have seen recently has really been deals driven by AIG. Those are very large transactions," says Angelo.
One of those deals could be for UK-based Pru, which may be vulnerable to an approach from a bidder after its failed bid for AIA.
The property and casualty is also ripe for consolidation because of the sheer amount of companies in the space, according to Meyer Shields, an equity analyst at Stifel Nicolaus. He argues that a large number of mid-sized specialized insurers are ripe to be acquired by larger carriers looking strategic growth.


Stifel Nicolausの株式アナリストであるMeyer Shieldsによると、資産及び損害もまた、その間のかなりの数の会社を理由に、合併に向けて機が熟している。多くの中規模専門の保険会社は、戦略的成長を期待する大きな保険会社の一部となる準備が整ったと彼は主張している。