Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Zipdial managed to turn that into a sizable business by using these missed calls as a way for brands to engage with people. Twitter’s blog post picks up the explainer: “For example, through ZipDial, it’s easy to engage with a publisher or brand by making a toll-free ‘missed call’ to a designated phone number. The caller will then begin receiving inbound content and further engagement on their phone in real time through voice, SMS or an app notification. These interactions are especially appealing in areas where people aren’t always connected to data or only access data through intermittent wifi networks.”


Zipdialは、ブランド企業が人と関わる1つの手段としてこうした不在着信を活用することで、これを相当のビジネスにしてきた。 Twitterの投稿ブログでは説明者の発言を取り上げている。 「ZipDialを使えば、例えば指定された電話番号へ無料の「不在着信」をかけることでパブリッシャーやブランドと関わることが簡単にできます。受け手はその後、 通話、SMS 、アプリ通知を通してリアルタイムでコンテンツやさらなる関わりを電話で受けることになります。こうしたやり取りは、常時データ接続をしていないか、断続的なwifiネットワークでデータアクセスをしているところでは特に魅力があります。」

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Yet Alibaba, despite its dominance in China’s ecommerce industry, faces a formidable threat from Tencent, Baidu, and Wanda. The former two internet giants have formed a joint venture with the real estate conglomerate that’s all about merging offline retail with online retail. Details remain scarce on how the three firms will work together, but given Tencent’s dominance in social and ambitions for ecommerce, it will likely overlap with Alibaba’s ambitions for Alipay Wallet. Investments in companies like Visualead will help Alibaba maintain its ties with vendors, and in turn, keep its customers loyal.


しかしAlibabaは中国のeコマース業界を支配しているにもかかわらず、Tencent、BaiduそしてWandaからの手ごわい脅威に直面している。インターネットの巨人であるTencentとBaiduの2社は不動産のコングロマリットとジョイントベンチャーを組成した。これはまさしく、オフラインのリテール事業をオンラインのリテール事業と組み合わせるものだ。この3社がどのような仕事をするかについての詳細な情報はまだ乏しいが、Tencentのソーシャルでの支配的地位とeコマースへの野心を考えると、これはAlipay WalletについてのAlibabaの野心と重なることになるだろう。Visualeadのような企業への投資は、Alibabaがベンダーとのつながりを維持し、ひいては顧客からの忠誠を保つのに役立つだろう。

mars16 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Alibaba Launches Team Collaboration App Dingtalk

Alibaba’s Dingtalk is available on both desktop and mobile.

The team at Alibaba Group which developed Laiwang, the messaging app aiming to supplant Tencent’s WeChat, has stealthily launched a team collaboration app named Dingtalk, or Dingding.

Dingtalk is more like a WeChat app for business, enabling staff to search for colleagues and conduct one-on-one or group chats. With several Chinese tech companies, including WeChat and TouchPal, having recently developed apps for VoIP calls or added the feature to their existing apps, it’s no surprise to find free voice calls included in Dingtalk. The app has also integrated FaceTime.



AlibabaのDingtalkはデスクトップパソコン、モバイルの どちらでも利用できる。

TencentのWeChatに取って代わることを目指してAlibaba GroupのチームはLaiwangというメッセージングアプリを以前開発したが、今度はひそかにDingtalkまたはDingdingというチームコラボアプリをローンチした。


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

A number of homegrown and overseas phone companies have set up facilities in Indonesia, while others are planning on doing so. These run the length of the supply chain, from major component manufacturers to actual smartphone brands. Here’s a list of the main players.

International brands

1. Oppo

China-based Oppo is attacking the Indonesian market very aggressively. The company has put in US$30 million to buy an old factory on the archipelago and revamp it into an assembly plant. The facility, which will become Oppo’s first outside China, is located in Tangerang, just outside of Jakarta, and will be fully operational by mid-2015.

Oppo aims to assemble 500,000 smartphones every month from its Indonesian factory.




1. Oppo

