Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Flow of IoT, Beware of Copycats

Shenzhen presents a cheaper and faster solution for manufacturers to build prototypes, but building products remains challenging since there are a handful of copycats around. There are problems like increasing labor costs and living expenses in Shenzhen as the centre becomes a hub for innovation itself rather than a cheap manufacturing city.

One of the challenges in the market is a bandwagon effect on successful products. Joffe mentions that “me-too” products are still a common feature. “A bit cheaper, a bit faster. We think it’s a huge mistake for entrepreneurs, as this approach makes it hard to differentiate and lowers margins for everyone,” he states.





mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Rise of the machines: The industrial Internet of Things is taking shape

The next wave of innovation about to wash over the connected world is the industrial Internet of Things (IoT). Beyond smart watches and FitBits, forward-thinking businesses are applying the concept of IoT to complex, psychical machinery, like jet engines and locomotives, to unleash unexpected growth opportunities and fuel innovation. Combined with data analytics, companies can leverage the industrial IoT to impact the economy, the job market and the future; and it has the potential to add $15 trillion to the global economy in 2030, according to Accenture.


マシーンの勃興: 産業用モノのインターネットが登場


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

10. Sing-Song table and Flex Sleeves
Berklee College of Music (USA)
(Okay, cheating a tad here, since there are really two here. But both come from a research department at the famed music school.)

The Sing-Song table is a ping-pong table that has sensors connected underneath. As the game progresses, the tapping of the ball adjusts the music to match the pace of play. Okay, so the market here is quite limited. Still, it shows how just about anything can become an instrument.

The Flex Sleeves project has a bit more market potential. A performer puts on the two armbands, and they can use them to control the mix of music and do things like Auto-Tune their voice. The bands also affect the visual display on the screen.


10. Sing-SongテーブルとFlex Sleeves
Berklee College of Music(米国)


それに対しFlex Sleevesのプロジェクトは少し潜在性がある。1人のパフォーマーは2本の腕バンドを装着し、音楽のミックスに合わせて使うことができるのでAuto-Tune(オートチューン)のように声を調整できる。スクリーンにもバンドの動きが視覚的に反映される。