kimpossible Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kimpossible English → Japanese
Original Text

Items shipped via Indian post cost us very low so due this low charges we can afford to provide free shipping but the problem is that it takes a long time to get delivered , It may take about 2 weeks for Asia, 3 weeks for UK/USA and almost 4 weeks for France/Russia/Chile/Czech Republic We strongly suggest you to choose the standard expedited shipping mode (EMS) instead of the free mode of shipping. This items are not trackable in most countries and even for countries where they are trackable due to low priority items sometimes tracking info is not uploaded in destination country so if you ask us repeatedly for tracking no.



kimpossible English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Apple is gearing up for a year of product "surprises" starting this fall, according to CEO Tim Cook, who appeared to point to late 2013 as a time frame for when fans of the company can expect new devices.

Cook appeared to point to the fall of 2013 as a time when consumers could expect new products from Apple. Continuing in Apple's tradition of near silence on forthcoming products, Cook gave no specifics, but the Apple head specifically mentioned "the fall and all of 2014" as a time to expect new products.

Pressed later in the call on the issue, Cook parried the question, saying that he didn't want to get too specific on Apple's product rollout schedule, but sticking to the fall pronouncement.


AppleのCEO Tim Cookによると、Appleはこの秋に始まるサプライズな製品の準備を進めており、その時期が、Appleファンが新製品を期待する2013年後半であることを示した。

