Kazu (kazu0814)

ID Verified
Almost 9 years ago Male 30s
Japanese (Native) English
fashion Business


I worked with the shoes company in Japan which imports shoes from abroad, mainly in Europe and China.
I was in charge of contacting our business partners, handling the products, arranging the delivery schedules from all over the world.

I also took part in a fashion and shoes exhibitions in Italy and Germany every year as a buying assistant and translator.
I have a confidence that I can translate business related articles and some other material written in English.


Term Institution
2012/4 - 2013/5 University Of Manitoba
2010/3 - 2010/8 Macquarie University

History of Residence

Term Country State City
2012/4 - 2013/5 Canada Manitoba Winnipeg
2010/3 - 2010/8 Australia New South Wales Sydney


Language Pair Area of Specialty Experience Description Example Translations
English → Japanese Business 3 years I work with the shoes company in Japan which imports shoes from abroad, mainly in Europe and China.
I am in charge of contacting our business partners, handling the products, arranging the delivery schedules from all over the world.

I also take part in a fashion and shoes exhibitions in Italy and Germany every year as a buying assistant and translator.
I have a confidence that I can translate business related articles and some other material written in English.
Japanese → English fashion 3 years

Work History

(Completed / In Progress)
Standard Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Light Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Starter English ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 3  / 622
Starter (High) Japanese ≫ English 4 0  / 0 8  / 1456

Working Data

Working Hours
last 6 months (hour / month)
Submission Rate
(submission count / order count)
0 hour / month 100 % (4 / 4)