三浦大知、雑誌掲載情報(3/15更新)・プラスアクト 3月12日発売号・CDでーた 3月14日発売号CDでーた「ユメ、キボウ、ミライ」書籍化も決定http://www.cddata-mag.com/news/topics/2016/03/11/12/00/53・Trickstar 3月18日発売号・Dance SQUARE vol.12 3月26日発売号
三浦大知,即将刊登于杂志上的情报:[プラスアクト]杂志 3月12日发行[CDでーた] 杂志 3月14日发行[CDでーた]杂志「梦,希望,未来」决定发行书籍http://www.cddata-mag.com/news/topics/2016/03/11/12/00/53[Trickstar]杂志 3月18日发行[Dance SQUARE vol.12]杂志 3月26日发行
When I was working at Karaoke as my college part time job, the staff will assemble and have the morning assembly to hear the manager's boring speeches before we start business. Before the manager starts, he would tells us that you can have a little release(means you can smoke a bite). At that time, I was the only one who do not smoke among all staff, so to avoid awkwardness, I started smoking since then.Then 5 years ago, at a party, I suddenly thought to quit smoking after finish the last 3 pieces in the case and announced to my friend. Since then I literally had not smoke any more. That may expressed the meaning of go with the tide.