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meg (hia-0148) Translations

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Almost 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hia-0148 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Several corporate chiefs and prominent entrepreneurs including Alfred Chia – CEO of SingCapital, Mohammad Ismail – CEO of Propnex, Alan Lim – Director of Propnex, Dan Lynn – VP of Asia-Pacific for vacation rental portal Homeaway, and the Co-Founders of Singapore-based live chat app Zopim -Roystan Tay and Kwok Yang Bin also joined.

MoneySmart plans to use the newly-raised capital to increase hiring across all teams to ramp up its content as well as build up a core team of developers.

It will also boost marketing efforts in Indonesia and Singapore, and launch into one new market. Beyond that, it will be launching an app in the near future.


法人の重役やAlfred Chia、SingCapitalのCEOであるMohammad Ismail 、PropnexのCEOであるDan Lynnを含む著明な企業家ら、Asia-Pacificの副社長でバケーションレンタルの先駆けであるHomeawayを率いているDan Lynn、シンガポールベースのライブチャットアプリの共同創設者であるZopim -Roystan TayとKwok Yang Binらも参加した。



hia-0148 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

“We are looking into expanding into either the Philippines, Thailand or Hong Kong by mid-next year,” said Vinod Nair, Founder and CEO of

He noted that in the Philippines, Internet penetration is still quite immature compared to Hong Kong while Thailand is in between.

The funds are expected to give the company a runaway of 12 to 18 months. After which, it plans to raise a Series B round.

Founded in October 2009 as, the site allowed Singaporean users to compare and apply for home loans. Nair then went on to launch several independent niche sites for comparing credit cards and insurance packages.


MoneySmart.sgの設立者でありCEOのVinod Nair氏は、「我々は、来年中旬までには、フィリピン、タイ、または香港のいずれかに事業拡大することを視野にいれている」と述べた。



SmartLoans.sgを設立した2009年10月、シンガポールのユーザはそのサイトを利用し、住宅資金貸付資金を比較して申し込むことができた。 同氏は、その後も、クレジットカードや保険のパッケージを比較するための、独立したニッチなサイトをいくつか立ち上げた。

hia-0148 English → Japanese
Original Text

The value of fostering cooperation rather than competition lies not only in conversation and idea sharing but, more importantly, in the creation of stronger networks of entrepreneurs who want to help each other. Ultimately, individual entrepreneurs looking to help each other out will lead to faster growth and more success for the overall ecosystem.


City life, while beneficial and exciting in many ways, often comes with a price. High rents or even something like a lack of easy parking can act as a deterrent to entrepreneurs looking to set up businesses in a particular location, while the high cost of living can prevent young talent from settling in a city.





hia-0148 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Our response to this has been to start city-to-city collaborations with places like Berlin, London, Paris, and New York, where entrepreneurs from one city will be empowered to work and conduct business in another participating city. Entrepreneurs using this initiative will be able to get a free desk at a coworking space, a mentor from the community, and even get connected to startup companies from their fields – which are resources any city could make available to visiting entrepreneurs. Another effective initiative to consider is a special “startup visa,” which can help to encourage foreign talent to move to your city and work there.



hia-0148 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Please kindly note that I have finally prepared the recording from the training session “TM and Segmentation Handling for Advanced Users”.
I will send you a link with the files via WeTransfer shortly where you can download two .mp4 files from.

This is a kind reminder that I have sent you the recording of the advanced user training session. Did you receive it? Please kindly let me know if you have trouble downloading it.

It is important that you please do not decline jobs and enter an alternative date in the note, but please use the “Accept/Edit Job” Button to enter directly an alternative delivery date with the date and the timing.


『TM and Segmentation Handling for Advanced Users』 の講習会の録画ファイルが準備できましたことをお知らせします。


また、「Accept/Edit Job」ボタンから配達変更日時を直接入力してください。