「お客様の声」作成にご協力お願いします!本日の和izm(ワイズム)体験に参加されての感想をお聞かせください。改善点やご要望がございましたらお聞かせください。どんなことでも結構です。寿司の握り方8ステップ 小手返しシャリを軽くまとめ人差し指と親指え上下をおさえる人差し指で真ん中をへこませる左手を広げて指の先の方へ転がす両サイドを親指と人差し指で押さえながら元の位置へ戻す人差し指と中指で上からおさえる時計回りに半回転させる両サイドを押さえる人差し指と中指で上からおさえる ⑤と同じ
Please give me your feedback on the webpage [voices of customers]! I would like to hear your experience in WAizm. Feel free to write up any request and/or things to be improved.8 steps of making a Sushi. KOTEGAESHI--one of the ways to make a Sushi.Pick some Sushi rice and make a small rice ball, and then gently press it from the top and bottom with a forefinger and thumb.Gently press the middle of the rice ball with a forefinger, so that it has a small curve on it.Put the rice ball on your palm and roll it toward the finger-tips.Gently press it from the sides with your forefinger and thumb, putting it back on the middle of your palm.Gently press it from the top with a forefinger and middlefinger.Rotate it half in clockwise.Press it from the sides.Press it from the top using a fore-and middle-finger.The same with No. 5.