h_ebi Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
h_ebi English → Japanese
Original Text

Lu Gang opened up the conference by describing China’s huge market opportunity with a massive 485 million internet users and by describing the hottest topics in tech today, mobile SNS, applications plus other emerging China tech trends.

Places to meet and create start-ups

One trend that emerged from late 2010 has been a recent explosion in collateral services to help support start-ups including incubators like Innovation Works and ChinaAccelerator as well as co-working cafes like Garage Cafe and Big Bang Cafe. Such establishments have been created to allow entrepreneurs to meet and work together in a very energetic environment where ideas can grow into businesses.





h_ebi English → Japanese
Original Text

The included fish "chew toy" is designed to resemble a prehistoric fish skeleton and can be "fed" to Cruncher by placing it into his snapping jaws. Once inside his mouth, Cruncher will either chew on it with chomping jaw movements and crunching noises, or he'll giggle and drop it then back up, rear up, and open his mouth for a game of catch. If music is played or hands are clapped while Cruncher is in the dance mode, he will perform a series of lively moves in time with the sound.
Cruncher comes with a detailed owner's guide, complete with a section on training tips written in a tone directed at young owners.

