Yuko Onishi (goodtranslation) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago Female
Tokyo, Japan
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
goodtranslation English → Japanese
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The resulting demo was impressive. A report on political parties in Indonesia showed which parties were dominiating the conversation, and which are the most liked and hated. Data was available over time or on a day by day basis, and goes quite deep — so deep, in fact, that it’s possible to view which specific users are posting the most about a company, how much of what they say is positive or negative, and more.

The market for a service like this is not small. There are more than half a million SMEs in Indonesia, and thousands more government organs, NGOs, international companies, and public figures who might be interested in tracking what’s being said about them in Indonesian social media.




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The site is currently offered in Bahasa Indonesian language, as the Indonesian startup is looking to focus efforts in Jakarta until end of this year. They are looking to target Indonesia because it is a rising economy, with growing middle-income families. There are currently 50 million households with disposable income of US$3,000 or more.

For end users, when they become a member they pay US$200 and for subsequent years $100, and 50 to 60 percent of that goes to agencies who Cabara works with.

It’s difficult to deal with agencies one by one, and Cabara helps solve this problem. They handle payments manually because they have to still meet face to face.




一つ一つの代行業者と取引することは大変であるが、Cabaraはこの問題を解消するにあたっての手助けとなる。 代行業者がじかに会わなくてはならないこともあって、支払いは手渡しである。

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Mintaraga agreed, saying that his company has to drill its startups on business plans and “bring them a little bit down to earth.” Cuaca agreed as well. “The biggest challenge for investors is to find a good founder,” he said. Even if the product or idea isn’t that good, “a good founder will find a way,” he said. On the flipside, Liem added, a great product isn’t going to go anywhere if there isn’t a good founder behind it.

This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 7 and 8. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.


自社のビジネスプランの立ち上げを練り上げなくてはならない、それは「もう少し現実的なものにする」といったことだとMintaraga は認めた。Cuacaも同感で「投資家にとっての最大のチャレンジは一人の優れた創始者を見つけること」だという。製品やアイディアがそんなに良くなくても、「優れた創始者は手段を見つけ出す」だと。反対にLiemは加えてこういった、良い製品のバックに優れた創設者が居なければ良い製品であっても日の目を見ることはない。

こちらは6/7と6/8に弊社開催のスタートアップイベント、Startup Asia Jakarta 2012の報道記事の一部です。@startupasiaでツイッター、フェイスブック、Google+、RSSでフォロー可能です。

goodtranslation English → Japanese
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“We’ve been building on this product for quite a while now and it’s going to be launched maybe sometime in September.” It will not be selling music, but rather more of a music/community platform.

Talking about teambuilding, Mintaraga talked about the importance of finding a balance between finding good revenue streams and “not eliminiating [the startups'] dream of creating their product.” He also talked about SpotDoctor, an app to help users find nearby doctors and health facilities. It has more than 20,000 downloads and Mintaraga says the company is planning an aggressive marketing strategy.


