Tim Liu (glock58) Translations

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About 10 years ago Male 40s
Chinese (Traditional) (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
glock58 Japanese → English
Original Text






We have advantage in using our working experience in business.
As mentioned, we had gone to the headquarters in the US to acknowledge the vision and strategy of the company, and had a meal which had brought great merit to the propose campaign afterward. The experience we have shall be helpful to the business of your company.
The proposal can't be done by only individual, but also needs intelligence of professions inside and outside the company. We are good at recruit and organize outstanding manpower to complete a project, as we think that would be useful to the adjustment of your company.
We would like to come out a proposal together with you which may turn any kinds of customers to fans of S company by fulfill their needs.