est (estzet) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
estzet English → Japanese
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The video selection is thin, and the vocabulary list doesn’t offer a lot of functionality yet — flashcards would be cool — but it seems like a very promising service that could really be great once it has built up a solid library of interesting evergreen content. I’m not sold yet on FluentFlix being your one-stop-shop for Chinese language learning, but it could definitely become an indispensable tool for users whose learning styles are well-suited to video study.

I was curious about the folks behind the site, so I talked with founder Alan Park about his inspiration for founding the company:



私はこのサイトの裏側にいる人々に興味がある。だから私は創設者のAlan Parkとこの会社を設立するにあたって彼の得たインスピレーションについて語り合った。

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We are currently uploading upwards of 20 new videos a week, and we can only expect this rate to increase as we welcome new users and scale the business. We focus on featuring timely and relevant videos, often dealing with current events and pop culture. This is core to our belief in offering engaging and stimulating content for the learner. This does, however, inevitably cause some content to eventually fall out of date. Yet as long as we are satisfying our users’ demand for new videos, we don’t see this as a problem, and the vast majority of our users enjoy having a rich backlog of videos to explore.



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Park also addressed my complaints about the vocab list functionality, and it sounds like we can expect more from that section pretty soon: “Implementation of a spaced-recognition-learning (SRS) system is a high priority of ours, and you can expect to see improvements in our vocabulary manager and review systems in the coming months.” In fact, the company has already shared some details about its upcoming SRS system, and it sounds pretty cool.

At least, it sounds cool to me; then again, I’m kind of a language nerd. If you are too — or if you want to toss your textbooks and start learning with video — check out FluentFlix, because its public beta is launching today!


Parkはまた、語彙リストの機能に関する私の不満について取り上げた。そしてそれはもうすぐにその部分についてより多くを期待することができるかのように聞こえた。「spaced-recognition-learning(SRS)systemの実装は、我々にとって優先事項であり、向こう数ヶ月での我々のvocabulary managerとreview systemの改良について期待して欲しいと思います。」実際に、その企業はすでに、きたるSRS systemについての詳細情報を披露しているし、それはとても素晴らしく思える。


estzet English → Japanese
Original Text

I am surprised that the package arrived so soon from such a long distance. You said that the glass front panal was broke and i find that hard to understand when i personally and carefully took the package to ups myself and had it inspected and told UPS specifically to protect and package because it contains a glass panel and UPS said that the front panel will be wrapped in bubble wrap with extra cardboard reinforcements, plese send a correct photo picture of the Mcintosh C33 so that UPS may be notified to start a claim because the product was not broken at all, the picture of the Mcintosh C33 item was taken live on my table and you can clearly see that there were no broken glass or cracks on the product.


私は非常に遠距離から、こんなに早く荷物が到着したことに驚いています。あなたはガラス製のフロントパネルが壊れていると言っていました。そして私は理解に苦しんでいました。私は自ら注意してUPS(国際輸送サービス)へ持っていき、荷物を点検し、UPSには荷物にはガラス製のパネルが含まれているから特別に保護と荷造りをするように依頼した。そしてUPSはフロントパネルは特別な厚紙で補強されたバブルラップで梱包すると言っていました。製品は壊れていたわけではないので、というのはMcintosh C33の写真は私のテーブルの上で撮影されており、あなたはその製品にはガラスの割れもヒビも無かったことを確認できていたはずだからですが、UPSにクレームを言うために、どうか私にMcintosh C33の証拠写真を送っていただけませんか。