endy (endy) Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
endy English → Japanese
Original Text

As for the new Qihoo app, all that the Chinese tech media has uncovered so far is the app’s name, its splash-screen (see above), and the fact that it’ll launch initially on iPhone, Android, and Symbian smartphones.

Qihoo’s KouXin app will be up against traditional IM platforms such as QQ, but more directly the new wave of group messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Xiaomi’s Miliao, and Tencent’s (yes, that name again!) Weixin, which recently updated with video messaging support. All these apps give users unlimited free text and maybe even voice/video messages via a GPRS or 3G connection.



QihooのKouXinアプリはQQのような伝統的なインスタント・メッセージ・プラットフォームと競合するだろうが、もっと直接的に、WhatsAppや XiaomiのMiliao、Tencent(そうです、ここでも名前が出てきます)のWeixinのような新しく登場してきたグループ・メッセージ・アプリの一群と競合するだろう。Weixinは最近、ビデオ・メッセージ・サポートもアップロードしている。こういったアプリを使えばユーザーはGPRSや3Gへの接続を通じて無制限に無料でメッセージを打つことができるし、もしかするとヴォイスメッセージやビデオメッセージをやり取りすることもできるかもしれない。

endy English → Japanese
Original Text

12 Pitches from Start-up Weekend Tokyo at Mixi

You may remember last May when we covered Start-up Weekend Tokyo, and the many great ideas that sprung forth from the three-day event. This weekend saw 2011’s second Start-up Weekend in Tokyo, this time at Mixi HQ in Shibuya.

QLive, the winner of the previous SWT event, was put to good use as a way to gather and vote up the best questions in real-time to ask those pitching. And there were indeed some great ideas put together over these three days. I dropped by on the final day to catch the final pitches. Here are the groups that presented, as well as the select few that won awards


12 ミクシィでスタートアップ・ウィークエンド・東京が開催。沢山のピッチが発表。

今年の5月にスタートアップ・ウィークエンド・東京について我々が触れたときのことを覚えているかもしれない。その3日間のイベントからは多くの素晴らしいアイディアが湧き出てきた。今週末、2011年度で第二回目のスタートアップ・ウィークエンド・東京が開かれた。今回は渋谷のMixi HQが会場だ。


endy English → Japanese
Original Text

New Smartphone Gaming Venture: DeNA + Namco Bandai = BDNA

After a busy day last Friday when it announced the establishment of subsidiaries in Singapore and Sweden, Japanese mobile gaming company DeNA started this week with even more big news. Today it announced the formation of a joint venture with game publisher Namco Bandai. The initiative is dedicated to creating “social games and entertainment content to smartphone users worldwide.”

The new company, which will be based in Tokyo, will be called (wait for it…) BDNA , and according to the announcement the initial capitalization will be 100 million yen, 75 percent of which will come from Namco Bandai.


スマートフォン用ゲーム開発ベンチャーが新たに誕生:DeNA + Namco Bandai = BDNA

日本のモバイルゲーム開発会社DeNAは先週の金曜日、シンガポールとスウェーデンに子会社を設立すると発表したばかりだが、今週に入ってすぐ、もっと重大な発表をした。今日、同社はゲーム開発会社であるNamco Bandaiとの間でジョイントベンチャーを発足させることを発表した。これは「世界中のスマートフォン・ユーザーに向けてソーシャル・ゲームとエンターテイメント・コンテンツを」提供するためのものである。

発足する会社はBDNAといい、東京に拠点を置く。また発表によると、当初の資本金は1億円で、75%はNamco Bandaiが出資する。

endy English → Japanese
Original Text

"As social media increasingly becomes a mainstream activity throughout the region, brands have been quick to ‘get on board’ with the practice of better understanding and connecting with their consumers when it comes to their advertising strategies, engagement and conversion."

However, the study does paint a picture of what strategy brands or products can take with social media users. Perhaps they might want to use quizzes to boost new followers on Twitter, something that has previously proven popular in Indonesia. Or if Facebook is the preferred advertising channel, then these tips on running a successful ad campaign surely will be of help.




endy English → Japanese
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Consumers in Southeast Asia Are More Influenced By Social Media Ads

As social media turns into the Internet’s new playground, brands and products are flocking there en masse in an effort to catch customers. And according to Nielsen’s latest study, consumers in the Southeast Asia region are highly influenced by such online advertisements, especially when ads are displayed on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The study reveals 73 percent are ‘highly’ or ‘somewhat’ influenced by ads in social media. The rate jumps to 80 percent if social context is factored in, showing who has liked or followed the advertised brand. (See chart below)


