Daisuke Noguchi (dnoguchi)

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About 3 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Science Chemistry Biology
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Science [English ≫ Japanese]

Original text

We have simulated the two-dimensional growth of fractal aggregates produced in electrodeposition experiments with axial symmetry in the presence of electric and magnetic fields. A modified diffusion-limited aggregation algorithm based on the Monte Carlo method is used in order to simulate cluster growth under the action of Coulomb and Lorentz forces, taking into account the thermal energy. The ion-particle movement has each step biased by the resultant force; in the algorithm, it is mediated by the Boltzmann term. The electric voltage between the electrodes tends to compact the aggregates and reduce the effect of screening. The Lorentz force provides a spiral form for aggregates which twists according to the magnetic field direction and intensity. A function was defined to measure the chirality of the system. The fractal dimension was also calculated to measure the influence of the electric and magnetic fields as well as the temperature during the growth process. Good agreement with experimental results was observed.

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Original text

It is now exactly 30 years that Biology of Spiders was first published, and I never expected nor planned to follow up with any further editions. When the science editor of Oxford University Press asked me last year whether I would prepare a third edition, I had at first strong reservations because I knew vaguely how much work would be in stock for me: 12 years had passed since the second edition, and literally thousands of articles about spiders had been published during that time. I took up the challenge anyway and subsequently spent an entire year working exclusively on this new edition. Going through the enormous amount of spider literature was only possible through the internet, rapid information exchange by e-mail, and the support of kind colleagues who sent me with their latest spider publications. Including the major results of arachnological research of the past decade, it was thus possible to update all ten chapters. This is not to say that it is a complete revision—of course, there will be omissions, deliberate and unconscious ones. My goal was always to provide a readable book on the biology of spiders, not an encyclopedia. The fact that this new edition nevertheless contains more than 500 new references gives some idea of how much of the recent literature has been incorporated.
Particular attention was paid to the illustrations. Since all the former drawings and photographs had to be scanned anew, this provided a good opportunity to improve and to correct any flaws in the 200 illustrations of the last edition. Almost 100 new pictures have been added to the present edition, often originals that were taken specifically for this book. Many unique photographs were contributed by fellow arachnologists, to whom I am most grateful.
My thanks go to the following colleagues for their help and support: Friedrich Barth, Jon Coddington, Paula Cushing, Bill Eberhard, Bruno Erb, Cheryl Hayashi, David Hill, Martin Huber, Yael Lubin, Peter Michalik, Wolfgang Nentwig, Martin Nyffeler, Brent Opell, Bastian Rast, Robert Raven, Jerome Rovner, David Schürch, Karin Schütt, Paul Selden, Robert Suter, Rolf Thieleczek, George Uetz, Benno Wullschleger, and Samuel Zschokke. I also wish to express my gratitude to the following institutions: The Naturama Aargau for use of their computer and graphics facilities, the Neue Kantonsschule Aarau for letting me work on their electron microscopes, and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, for allowing access to the scientific literature. Finally, I'd like to thank my editor Phyllis Cohen and her colleagues Lisa Stallings, Karla Pace, and Jennifer Kowing at Oxford University Press and Anindita Sengupta at Glyph International for transforming my manuscript into an attractive book.

Translated text

クモの生物学(Biology of Spiders)が最初に出版されて、現在で正確に30年である。私はいかなる重版もフォローアップも決して予期していなかったし、予定でもなかった。昨年、オックスフォード大学出版部の科学編集者が、第3版を準備するかどうか、私に尋ねたとき、私にとってどれくらいの仕事の持ち合わせがあるかについて、漠然とわかっていたので、私は最初、強い留保する気持ちがあった:第二版から12年が過ぎ、クモに関する何千もの文献がその間に、発表された。私はいずれにせよ挑戦に応じ、その後、この新版だけに取り組むことに全ての年月を費やした。莫大な量のクモの文献を調べることは、インターネット、電子メールによる迅速な情報交換、そして最新のクモの出版を私に送ってくれた親切な同僚のサポートを通してのみ、可能であった。過去10年間のクモ学に関する研究の主要な結果を含んで、こうして全10章を更新することができた。これは、完全な改訂版であると言うべきではない――もちろん、遺漏や、よく考えた上でのもの、そして知らず知らずのものがあるだろう。私の目標は常に、百科事典ではない、クモの生物学に関する読みうる本を提供することだった。それにもかかわらず、この新版には500以上の新しい引用文献が含まれているという事実により、最近の文献の多くがどのように取り入れられたかがわかる。

Original text

Warmest thanks are due to Dr Janet and Professor Malcolm Edmunds for their detailed criticism of the first draft of this paper, and for the many valuable suggestions they made: also for those of Dr Bill Eberhard, Dr Robert Jackson, Dr Rudi Jocque, Dr Herbert Levi, Dr Yael Lubin, Dr Peter Merrett, Prof. Dr Wolfgang Nentwig, Dr Jon Reiskind, Dr Mike Robinson, Dr Vincent Roth, Dr Peter Schwendinger, as well as two anonymous referees. Nearly all of these, needless to say, have been incorporated in the present text. Although the author remains responsible for any errors or omissions that may remain, it is his pleasure to acknowledge the considerable amount of help and advice received from his friends.

Translated text

本論文の最初の草稿の詳細な批判に、そして、彼らがした多くの価値ある提案に対し、ジャネット博士、およびマルコム・エドムンズ教授に、最もあたたかい感謝をささげる:そして、2人の匿名のレフェリーだけでなく、ビル・エバーハート博士、ロバート・ジャクソン博士、ルーディ・ジョスケ博士、ハーバート・レビ博士、ヤエル・リュバン博士、ピーター・マレット博士、教授 ウルフガング・ネントビヒ博士、ジョン・ライスカインド博士、マイク・ロビンソン博士、ヴィンセント・ロス博士、ピーター・シュウェンディンガー博士にも。これらのほぼ全ては、言うまでもなく、現在のテキストに取り入れられた。著者は、残るかもしれないどんな過失に対してでも責任があるままであるが、著者の友人から受け取られる援助とアドバイスのかなりの量を認めることは、著者の喜びである。

Original text

The effect of a static magnetic field, B, on the electrolysis of copper in aqueous solution is investigated using linear sweep voltammetry, impedance spectroscopy, chronoamperometry, rotating disk voltammetry, and analysis of fractal growth patterns. Data are obtained in fields of up to 6 T. There is a large enhancement of the electrodeposition rate (up to 300%) from concentrated CuSO4 solution (c ~1 M) when pH ≤ 1. The effect of the magnetic field is equivalent to that achieved by rotating the electrode. From the pH, viscosity, field direction and concentration dependence of the field effect, the influence of field on the complex impedance, and the equivalence of field and electrode rotation, it is established that the magnetic field influences mass transport by forced convection. Convective flow is modified on a microscopic scale in the boundary layer close to the working electrode. There is no influence on the electrode kinetics. Turbulence sets in for our cell geometry when the product of field and current density exceeds a critical value of about 1000 N/m3. The competition between gravitational and magnetic forces is dramatically exhibited by the morphology and fractal dimensionality of planar electrodeposits in a flat circular cell. Quantitative comparison is made of the magnitude of various magnetic body forces inducing convection in typical experimental conditions. The results are discussed both in terms of Aogaki’s model of a streamline boundary layer, which predicts that the excess limiting current varies as B1/3c4/3, as observed experimentally, and in terms of the electrokinetic effect.

Translated text

水溶液中の銅の電気分解に対する静磁場(B)の効果は、線形掃引ボルタンメトリー、インピーダンス分光学、クロノアンペロメトリー、回転ディスク・ボルタンメトリーとフラクタル成長パターンの分析を使って調査される。データは最大6 Tまでの磁場で得られる。pH≤1とき、濃縮したCuSO4溶液(c ~ 1M)からの電気付着率(最高300%)の大きな増進がある。磁場の効果は電極を回転させることによって成し遂げられるものと等しい。磁場効果のpH、粘性、磁場方向および濃度依存性、および複雑なインピーダンスの磁場の影響と磁場と電極回転の同等性から確証されることは、磁場が強制的対流によって大量輸送に影響することである。対流の流れは、作用電極の近くの境界層の微細なスケール上で修正される。電極の速度論に対する影響はない。磁場と電流密度の生成がおよそ1000 N/m3の臨界値を上回るとき、乱流が我々のセルの固体表面の形状のためにセットされる。重力および磁力間の競争が劇的に示すのは、平らな円形のセルにおける平面電気付着物の形態とフラクタル次元性である。量的な比較は、典型的な実験的状況における対流を誘導しているいろいろな磁性体の磁力の大きさで形成されている。結果が考察されるのは、実験的観察により過剰な制限流がB1/3c4/3によって変化すると予測する流線型境界層のアオガキのモデルに関して、および、電気速度論的な影響に関しての両方についてである。

Original text

Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) reflectance spectroscopy is one of the useful tools to evaluate the coloration of materials and living things. On crab spiders, sit-and-wait foragers on flowers, body coloration has been focused in the context of camouflage and/or prey attraction. For the first time, the present study shows UV-Vis reflectance spectra of Thomisus labefactus, a crab spider inhabits East Asia, reflects UV-Vis rays almost the same strength as an Australian crab spider Thomisus spectabilis, which also has substantial amount of UV reflection, unlike European species lacking UV reflection.

Translated text

紫外・可視(UV-Vis)反射分光法は,材料や生物の色彩を評価する有益なツールの一つである.カニグモは花の上で獲物を待ち伏せする捕食者であり,擬態および/あるいは餌誘引における文脈で,体の色彩に焦点が当てられてきた.本研究では,東アジアに生息するカニグモ科の一種であるアズチグモThomisus labefactusでは最初となるUV-Vis 反射スペクトルの測定から,紫外線反射を欠いているヨーロッパ産の種とは異なり,相当量の紫外線を反射するオーストラリア産のカニグモ科の一種Thomisus spectabilisと同程度の強さで紫外線と可視光を反射することが示される.