Dani Ger Esp Eng (danielespgereng) Services

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Over 4 years ago Male
German (Native) Spanish English
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Here are the services currently offered by danielespgereng.

I will translate you anything you need into german, spanish or english
$9.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
German → Spanish German → English Spanish → German Spanish → English English → German English → Spanish
Born in germany and raised by spanish parents, i learned ...
Ich übersetze ihnen alles was Sie benötigen ins Deutsche, Spanische oder Englische
$9.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
German → Spanish German → English Spanish → German Spanish → English English → German English → Spanish
Geboren in Deutschland und von spanischen Eltern aufgezog...
Traduzco todo lo que usted necesite al alemán, español o inglés
$9.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
German → Spanish German → English Spanish → German Spanish → English English → German English → Spanish
Nacido en Alemania y criado por padres españoles, aprendí...