張征航 (cheytac5210) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 10 years ago Male 30s
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Japanese English Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
cheytac5210 English → Chinese (Simplified)
Original Text

Data Backup to Dropbox/Evernote

This will transfer backup data into Dropbox or Evernote. This function is premium function and also need Dropbox / Evernote account and app installed. For restoring data, please select backup file on Dropbox or Evernote app and select "Open in QMR" or "Open in QMP"

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Make your life easier with Premium Upgrade! Just send your expense data to your accountant with Excel/CSV Export! It comes also with many great features

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备份数据到 Dropbox/Evernote

这个操作将会把数据备份到Dropbox或者Evernote上。这是个收费功能并且要求你有Dropbox / Evernote的账号已经在手机上安装这两个app。如果要恢复数据, 选择在 Dropbox 或 Evernote上备份的数据并点击 "在QMR打开" 或 "在QMP打开"

现在可以以优惠价格 $3.99升级你的QMR

付费完整版让你的生活更轻松!只需用Excel/CSV 导出并向你的会计发送你的消费数据即可! 并且还有更多出色的功能!



1 云同步
2 Excel / CSV 导出