billingualman (bilingman)

ID Unverified
Almost 7 years ago Male 20s
Japan, Chibaken, Chibashi
English (Native) Japanese
IT Gaming
Contact Freelancer

Thank you for clicking on my page.
My name is Ato Makio and I am currently freelancing.
Currently, I am helping to develop a brand new app planned to be released around next year.
A brief summary of myself
・Lived in America, Torrance CA for around 16 years.
・The other 8 years of my life I`ve spent in Japan, and am currently residing in Chiba.
・Very passionate about tech, IT, and the gaming industry.
・Billingual (NA/JP)
・Have a strong understanding of not only both languages but their cultures as well.
・Trasnlation of both languages including elements like nuance and culture.
・Average WPM of 110
・Touch typing
・Programming(Learned in school: C, C#, C++)

I am confident in my ability to translate both Japanese and English in the entertainment field
due to being exposed to many video game-related media for a very long time.

This doesn`t have to video game-related, as I am also very knowledgeable in the IT field.
I went to a specialized college for game programming.

Naturally, learning to program brang many opportunities to learn
IT terms and such.

I plan on taking any jobs at a low rate as I am new to freelancing,
so please feel free to contact me!


・プログラミング(専門学校/独学二年 使用言語:C, C#, C++)





Language Pair Area of Specialty Experience Description Example Translations
English → Japanese IT 2 years I have been in the field of programming, specifically game programming. Therefore the languages that I know are C, C#, and C++. Most of my knowledge came from American YouTube channels, forums, blogs, etc. I wouldn`t necessarily say that I translated everything. However, there were definitely times that I had to know many terms in Japanese to explain things to my friends and teacher at my programming school. This was all done ever since my admission to my specialized college.

私はIT、専門用語を英語から日本またその逆を訳すことが多くありました。使用していた言語はC, C#, C++でした。
English → Japanese Gaming 1 year I have been a gamer ever since the age of 5. That passion grew and now I am about to make a living from what I love. Being the gamer I am, I like to watch a lot of gaming-related content, whether that is streaming, youtube, or podcasts. The funny thing is that I really enjoyed Japanese gaming content as well. As both English and Japanese content gave such different tastes to its humor. This all coming from the nuance and culture of the language. Good and funny YouTube content with a very likely chance had "memes" in their videos. On the other hand, Japanese gaming related content had many jokes from anime and threw out famous phrases a character have said matching with the context of what is happening in the actual video. These are two very general ways of how I saw the two different content-wise. However, the point is I am very confident in translating, for example, a Youtube video related to gaming in English to Japanese, or Japanese to English. I have a strong understanding of the culture behind the language and the nuance of both languages. I listed one year as I have done a few video as charity for a very small YouTuber.
Japanese → English Gaming 1 year 私はゲームがとても大好きです。ゲームへの情熱はとどまらず、今では就職先がゲーム関連になっているくらいです。ゲーム好きであることから、私はゲーム関連の配信、動画、そしてポッドキャストを見ることが沢山あります。そのコンテンツを見る際日本語はもちろん、英語で見ることも沢山ありました。どちらの言語のコンテンツもそれぞれ面白い要素があって、それらはその言語の裏にある文化やニュアンスから来ていることを強く理解しています。ざっくりとして説明になってしまいますが、日本語のコンテンツの面白みは日本ならではの突っ込みやアニメのインフルエンスを感じます。そして英語ではよく「ミーム」というアメリカのネットジョークの集合体が必ず関わってきます。そういった両方の言語ならではの面白さを理解している故、通訳する際にちゃんとその言語にあった言葉のチョイスをできると自信あります。

Work History

(Completed / In Progress)
Standard Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Light Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Starter Japanese ≫ English 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter English ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 0  / 0