村上 歩美 (ayumi_ohba)

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Over 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English

Example Translations

technology [English ≫ Japanese]

Original text

Curve Speed Assistance application

ABC has developed a driver assistance application (Curve Speed Assistance) according to which the speed of a vehicle is made to conform to a speed appearing on a road sign along the road or to the geometry of the road network. A vehicle navigation system comprises two of the necessary prerequisites for speed adaptation: a road network database stored on a CD-ROM and a positioning instrument that serves as a GPS receiver.

The main parameters for determination of an appropriate speed are legal speed limits (e.g. by means of speed signs), the curve radius, the change of direction, and the roadway type. The estimated (safe) speed is compared with the current vehicle speed. If the speed of travel is too high, the driver will be warned.

ABC has developed two approaches for speed related driver assistance. Speed adaptation can be a part of conventional cruise control, where the speed is automatically adjusted (through downshifting or braking). The other principle is based on a feedback from an information system, which has been used for evaluation in ABC’s current project. The active information system helps the driver to keep an adequate distance from the vehicle in front. Whenever this distance becomes too small, the information system gives an inoffensive but none the less clear information by applying a slightly increased resistance at the accelerator pedal and by discreetly telling the driver to reduce his speed and increase the distance from the vehicle ahead. By controlling the relative distance, the active information system also “suggests” to the driver an appropriate speed. This nevertheless always remains no more than a suggestion for drivers to take into account at their discretion.

The geometry of a street alone does not completely define the curve speed that a driver in a particular curve should select. In general, the desired curve speed is a function of the radius and the curve angle. Additional parameters which can modify or adjust the velocity are position (town), speed signs, surface quality, street width, number of lanes, shoulders, (daytime) visibility, weather (friction) and the driving style of the driver. These additional parameters can be superimposed on the calculated curve speed limit.

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