村上 歩美 (ayumi_ohba) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ayumi_ohba Japanese → English ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text



Since Japan depended on domestic recyclable resources such as forests and hydro power for energy before the Second World War, the domestic household energy self-sufficiency rate was very high. The postwar energy revolution offered numerous benfits to daily life, however it decreased the energy self-sufficiency rate and increased the instability of energy supply. In addition, the need for forest resources was decreased in tandem with the penetration of chemical fertilizers. As a result, due to the sudden concentration of the population into urban areas, fuelwood forests in urban areas were diverted to housing land. Despite of efficient energy consumption in urban households before the Second World War, the extent was limited.