<about us>Prancing Leopard Organics came from our simple need: we could not find organic activewear that was stylish and comfortable enough to go beyond our yoga, dance and fitness activities so we could wear it throughout our busy, multi-tasking days.We are Sevda and Bert Holland of Prancing Leopard. To us, synthetic blend clothing being sold for yoga practice seemed inappropriate for a holistic practice like yoga, it was confining, felt foreign on the body and was frequently styled as if yoga were a competitive sport.We longed for clothing that would help us live a 360° organic lifestyle - comfortable and stylish enough to go from the cafe to yoga, then to meetings or an evening out without changing.
<ブランドについて>Prancing Leopard Organics(プランシング レパード オーガニクス)は、「着心地がよくてスタイリッシュなオーガニック素材のフィットネスウェアがあればヨガやダンスやジムに行く時だけじゃなく、それを着たまま忙しく目まぐるしい毎日を過ごせるのに・・・」という私たちのシンプルな願いから生まれました。Prancing LeopardのSevda HollandとBert Hollandです。私たちは、合成繊維から作られたヨガウェアはヨガのようにホリスティックなものには不適切なように思います。動きを制限し、身体になじまず、ヨガが競技スポーツであるかのようにデザインされているからです。私たちは「オーガニックに囲まれたライフスタイル」ができるような服を理想としてきました。カフェやヨガに行く時にも着れて、そのまま着替えずにミーティングや夜遊びにも行けるような着心地がよくスタイリッシュなウェアです。
I understand you want to resolve this. In my e-mail from May 13th, I wrote: "...checking to see if we have another box. My manager said that if we do, we would need to receive that one back from you and then we could send a replacement."This was clarified from the 13th that we would need the box back in order to send a new one.Please send the box back with the RMA # on the outside of the shipping box (only send the damaged box, do not send the watch box or watch, etc.). Once we receive that, we will be happy to send you the correct box back which my colleague confirmed we do have. As I mentioned yesterday, we have the right box to send to you. There is no longer an issue with that.