Because exchange rate is important for international trade. As a result, you can always get latest information about exchange receiving specific service of bank. And it is different in law and various regulation with each countries which trade with.If you recieve specific service of bank, you can get exact advices from special bank clerk,and introduce various services that need to international trade.And you must take the test and investigate to particiate in international market
Then you must understand about law and knowledge that rerated international trade.Therefore, it is necessary for the companies that think to participate in international market to take enormous initial investment and investiment capital. For protecting home market, there are the countries to levy a duty on an import.Especially, it is hard for small businesses to participates in international market.When you import car and the like, first of all, import cost have an effect on the cost of imported car.And For protecting car industry of each countries, it have an big effect on the cost to levy a duty on an import.