Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 22 Feb 2020 at 21:40

setsuko-atarashi 50  私は、英語教育界で13年仕事をしてきました。特に、右脳を使った教育方法で...



I arrived Melbourne on a late at night a few hours before speeding breach. It was the first time I was in Australia.
My wife and children had arrived a little earlier in Australia, and stayed at our friend's house in Melbourne.
As the child sowed allergic from my wife, I was thinking to bring a medicine arrived from Japan as soon as possible.
Although I drove consciously to the speed limit, as it was at night and there were not many cars, and in Japan, it is rare to be caught with the less than 15km and so on, I was not aware of the knowledge a little.

Reviews ( 1 )

namihn 53 20年以上医学・薬学・科学を中心として技術翻訳(日→英)をフリーランスで行...
namihn rated this translation result as ★★ 25 Feb 2020 at 08:44

各文にちょっと不自然な表現(thinking to bring a medicine arrived from Japan)、綴りの間違い( sowed)、そして意味が通らない箇所(child sowed allergic from my wife)が多々あります。特に最後の文は「15㎞以下で走行していれば捕まることはあまりない」、という意味になっているので誤訳になります。見直しを怠らず、表現に注意してがんばりましょう!

setsuko-atarashi setsuko-atarashi 25 Feb 2020 at 10:02

Thanks, I will be careful.

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