Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 61 / 0 Reviews / 21 Feb 2012 at 11:23

yukiya 61 ・2012年1月、斉木学園主催の日→英翻訳コンテスト入選 ・2012年3...

4. 女性は命ある限り女なのです。綺麗になって悲しくなる人は一人もいません。ある時、82歳のお婆ちゃんにメイクをしました。お婆ちゃんは「死ぬまでの間にこんなに綺麗にお化粧してくれるなんて夢にも思っていなかった。本当に嬉しい」と涙を流していました。震災後、瓦礫撤去などで顔が汚れてもメイク道具もないので、マスクで顔を隠しながらメイクをしにいらっしゃる方も大勢いました。しかし、メイクをしてあげると背筋も伸び、来た時の笑顔の10倍も綺麗になり、


4.Women are women as long as they live. No one becomes sad being beautiful. I once applied a makeup for a 82-year-old woman. She said in tears, “I’ve never thought I would be given such a beautiful makeup before I die. I am so happy.” After the earthquake disaster, debris removal dirtied people’s face and there were no tools for makeup. For that reason, many came for the makeup with masks covering their face. But after the makeup, their back were straightened and they smiled 10 times beautifully

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Additional info: 次の質問に対する回答です: 4. Why have you chosen to volunteer your services? Are you helping women boost their self-esteem after going through such a stressful time in their lives?