Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )
Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 18 Jan 2012 at 20:09
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The other great advantage that Bill Gates and his Microsoft cronies had was that they were involved with the development of personal computing from its earliest days. 'By pursuing that with a pretty incredible focus and by being there at the very beginning of the industry, we were able to build a company that has played a very central role in what's been a pretty big revolution', said Gates in a question and answer session along with fellow billionaire Warren Buffet in 1998. 'Now, fortunately, the revolution is still at the beginning. It was 23 years ago when we started the company.
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もう一つのビルゲイツとそのマイクロソフトの仲間たちにとっての利点は、彼らがパーソナルコンピューティングの開発に初期段階から関わっていたことだ。「この業界の創世期から、とてつもない集中力で目標を追求していたからこそ、この大きな革命の中心的役割を果たす会社を作ることができた」とゲイツは、億万長者仲間のWarren Buffetとの1998年の対談で語っている。「会社を興してから23年もたっているが、幸運なことにこの革命はまだ端緒についたばかりだ」