Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 11 Mar 2016 at 02:17

umigame_dora 50 米国在住10数年になります。化学品輸入販売の仕事をしております。貿易、ビジ...

Your listings on AMAZON have been cancelled, as OpSec Security GmbH on behalf of HARMAN International Inc. has given a request for removal of listings which we believe violate the HARMAN’s trademark and/or copyright rights.

It appears that the patented products you commercially offer for sale were not first marketed in the European Union and are not destined to the European Union, and hence are not authorized to be distributed in this region. For this reason, the sale of such products into the European Union (parallel imports) are prohibited under its patent law.

HARMAN actively defends


アマゾンに出品している貴方の商品登録はキャンセルされました。というのは、 ハーマン・インターナショナル社の代理としてOpSec Security 社が、弊社の商標及び著作権を侵害していると考えられる出品の削除要求を依頼したからです。



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