Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 61 / Native Indonesian / 0 Reviews / 23 Dec 2011 at 23:24

dazaifukid 61 来日13年目。東京在住。文系大学卒→理系大学院中退。翻訳・通訳歴10年。ビ...

6:  To save us both time and money please proceed with the return of the items as soon as possible. As soon as I receive them I will refund the purchase value and the original shipping cost through your paypal account.

Hope we can solve this issue in an amicable way.


6:  時間と費用を節約するために、できるだけ早く返品手続きを行なってください。返品が到着してすぐ、あなたのPayPalアカウントに購入価格と元の郵送費用を返金します。


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