Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 20 Oct 2015 at 13:45


Even established companies can face this challenge: Should your business invest R&D dollars into Concept A or Concept B? Which of the four potential verticals your product could serve should you pursue first? Decisions like these become increasingly complex when it isn’t clear which of the many alternatives available represents the best likelihood of a profitable return.

Because time, money, and energy are limited for all but the most wealthy among us, would-be business owners and overwhelmed leaders need a framework for how to proceed when they have too many ideas. The following steps should help minimize this intense source of frustration:


すでに設立した企業も実際この問題に直面する。ビジネスとして研究開発(R&D)費用をA 企画あるいは B企画に投資すべきか。自社商品を生かすだろう4つの潜在的な産業の内、最初にどれを推進させるべきか。多くの選択の中で最高の収益性のあるものがどれかがはっきりしていないと、これらの決定は著しく複雑になる。


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