Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 12 Jun 2015 at 19:59

setsuko-atarashi 50  私は、英語教育界で13年仕事をしてきました。特に、右脳を使った教育方法で...



The other day, I shipped A x 8(shipment ID o o) toFBA. Then 7 of them were sold. There must be 1 of them left.
But there were none of them left when I checked.
I attached each picture. Please check them.
I would like to have your prompt examination about it.

Reviews ( 1 )

yxn667 52 Conyacでの翻訳経歴(2014年10月登録): Standard依頼...
yxn667 rated this translation result as ★★★ 14 Jun 2015 at 06:23

The other day, I shipped A x 8(shipment ID o o) toFBA. Then 7 of them were sold. There must be 1 of them left.
But there were none of them left when I checked.
I attached each picture. Please check them.
I would like to have your prompt examination about it.

The other day, I shipped A x 8(shipment ID o o) toFBA. Then 7 of them were sold. There must be 1 of them left.
But there were none of them left when I checked the inventory.
I attached each picture. Please check them.
I would like to have your prompt examination about it.

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