Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 28 Feb 2015 at 12:46

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 52 大阪の外国語短期大学米英語科を卒業しました。社会に出てからは、会社の海外部...

2015 1/18(水) 伊藤千晃 名古屋トークショー決定!

chiaki's shop gallery限定アイテムや大人気コラボアイテムを販売します☆

会場にて、chiaki's shop galleryにて販売を行っております、
・chiakiミラー(chiaki's shop gallery version) ¥1,600(税込)


Chiaki Ito's Nagoya Talk Show was decided on Jan. 18 (Wed.), 2015!

Limited Handshake Party for the goods purchasers will be held!!
Chiaki's shop gallery limited items and the favorite collaboration items will be sold!

The selling is held at Chiaki's shop gallery.
Chiaki's mirror is 1,600 yen including tax (at Chiaki' shop gallery version).
After Talk Show, the handshake party targeted at purchasers will be held.

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Additional info: 全角文字は半角文字に置き換えてください。