Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native French / 1 Review / 05 Feb 2015 at 02:19

riku87 52 フランス出身でスウェーデン在住のリクと申します。 日本語・英語・中国語(...


ピッタリだと思います さらに中は黒のベルベット調の生地が貼り付けてあります



Japanese are peculiar about details but if you can clear those requests then it will become a good product that can sell in the whole world.

I have attached pictures of the current box and the design for the new box.
It is hard to see on the picture but on there is glue and scratches on the box and that's why the 4 corners are a bit white.
The new box designs are both paper boxes. The small one has a carbon style so I think it is perfect for KK. Besides, for the inside, paper looking like black velvet is pasted.
If I order the regular product now, when will I receive it?

Reviews ( 1 )

yxn667 52 Conyacでの翻訳経歴(2014年10月登録): Standard依頼...
yxn667 rated this translation result as ★★★★ 06 Feb 2015 at 09:28

Japanese are peculiar about details but if you can clear those requests then it will become a good product that can sell in the whole world.

I have attached pictures of the current box and the design for the new box.
It is hard to see on the picture but on there is glue and scratches on the box and that's why the 4 corners are a bit white.
The new box designs are both paper boxes. The small one has a carbon style so I think it is perfect for KK. Besides, for the inside, paper looking like black velvet is pasted.
If I order the regular product now, when will I receive it?

Japanese are peculiar about details but if you can clear those requests then it will become a good product that can sell in the whole world.

I have attached pictures of the current box and the design for the new box.
It is hard to see on the picture but there is glue and scratches on the box and that's why the 4 corners are a bit white.
The new box designs are both paper boxes. The small one has a carbon style so I think it is perfect for KK. Besides, for the inside, paper looking like black velvet is pasted.
If I order the regular product now, when will I receive it?

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