Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native French / 1 Review / 24 Jan 2015 at 18:03

riku87 52 フランス出身でスウェーデン在住のリクと申します。 日本語・英語・中国語(...





My customer needed the product during this month.
So if you lower a little bit the price, he said it is okay if the box is broken.

I recommended to exchange product but he refused so there is no need for exchange the product any more.

But I am very grateful to how you handled this until now.

Reviews ( 1 )

yxn667 52 Conyacでの翻訳経歴(2014年10月登録): Standard依頼...
yxn667 rated this translation result as ★★★★ 26 Jan 2015 at 11:55

My customer needed the product during this month.
So if you lower a little bit the price, he said it is okay if the box is broken.

I recommended to exchange product but he refused so there is no need for exchange the product any more.

But I am very grateful to how you handled this until now.

My customer needed the product during this month.
So if you lower a little bit the price, he said it is okay if the box is broken.

I recommended to exchange product but he refused so there is no need to exchange the product any more.

But I am very grateful to how you handled this matter now.

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